The Benefits Of Sapodilla Fruit

Manilkara fruit ripe or ripe already often we consume and have a sweet taste and delicious on the tongue, but have you ever felt the fruit of sapodilla fruit raw or are still immature. The fruit of sapodilla fruit bitter taste that raw has a mix of sweet and certainly makes the mouth of Gummy for consumption. Nevertheless, the fruit of sapodilla fruit raw has benefits and health benefits for the body, because the vitamin, and antioxidants in sapodilla fruit raw very much so it is beneficial to the body in away from the body from free radicals that often strikes the skin of the body.


For those of you who don't want to eat the fruit of sapodilla fruit raw, here we will give you the benefits of the fruit of sapodilla fruit raw for health, may be an inspiration for you in consuming the fruit of sapodilla fruit.

The benefits of the fruit of Sapodilla fruit Raw for health:

1. Overcoming diarrhea naturally
The benefits of the fruit of sapodilla fruit raw for health is able to cure diarrhea or as a very powerful diarrhea. The high fiber content in the fruit of sapodilla fruit raw is very good in addressing the problem of diarrhea.

How to use fruit of sapodilla fruit as a cure diarrhea there are two kinds, namely:

Method One :
Take a raw yellow fruit is still fresh and peeled his skin, then grate the flesh of the fruit and brew with warm water up to one glass, let stand for 10 minutes and drink water until exhausted, doing it this way for 2 times in a day.

Method Two :
Take one fruit of sapodilla fruit or raw immature, and discard the Peel, remove the seeds also provide a bit of warm water and give also 2 spoon honey. Drink the juice as these raw twice in a day.

2. Treating dysentery
The benefits of the fruit of sapodilla fruit raw for health in the next IE to treat dysentery. Dysentery can be cured by consuming the fruit of sapodilla fruit raw. Grab some fruit of sapodilla fruit and Peel raw skin, chewable fruit flesh while added salt on fruit, eat little by little until it runs out the fruit of sapodilla fruit. Do 2 times a day until dysentery you disappeared and recover.

3. Treat the inflammation of the mouth
The benefits of the fruit of sapodilla fruit raw for health can also as a natural cure inflammations of the mouth. The trick is to take the fruit of sapodilla fruit and splitting into several parts (after peeling). Then the fruit of sapodilla fruit already torn it boiled with 1 cup water until the water changes color. Use of water decoction of yellow fruit is for gargle. Do this until the water runs out, do twice a day until the sore mouth healed.

So the raw fruit of sapodilla fruit some of the benefits for the health of the body. Hopefully, with the existence of this brief article can add to our knowledge of traditional medicine using natural ingredients like a fruit of sapodilla fruit. Good luck and success.


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