The Benefits And Efficacy Of Cashew Nuts For Health

The benefits and efficacy of cashew nuts – cashews are a type of food grains are very beneficial for the body. Cashew nuts contain two types of healthy fats that are useful for body health. Namely monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Both these fats include healthy fats and not fat that is harmful to the growth of the cells of the body.

The benefits and efficacy of cashew nuts for health is also inseparable from the content of various substances that possesses such as tryptophan, phosphorous, magnesium, copper. Also coupled with various types of useful minerals such as vitamin B, potassium, and folic acid. While the content of calcium and iron are also present in the cashew nuts, just that both these substances are less compared to the others.

Benefits of cashew nuts to body health

1. as a diet food to lose weight

Weight is too high due to nasty fat tertumpuknya in the body a bit-by-bit system will damage the body. Then early obesity sufferers should try to lose weight. Cashew nuts are the foods that are good for this affair. Cashew nuts contain unsaturated fats that are good for weight loss and erode the fat in the body. In addition the content of fibers in this bean will make the body longer maintain a sense of fullness so that your appetite will decrease.

2. Nourish heart

Cashew nuts are beneficial for maintaining heart health. Content of monounsaturated fats or monounsaturated fats in kecang cashew will drive out the bad cholesterol that can impede the blood circulation of the heart or to the heart. And banish the bad cholesterol in the body.

3. Strengthen mind

Consume cashew nuts also known mengutkan of mind and way of thinking because of the content of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated in cashew nuts will launch an oxygen to the brain, dismaping also had a relationship with the development of other brain cells.

4. Reduce cancer risk

Cashew nuts also contain vitamin C, which functions as an anti oxidant anti oxidants in the body, this will reduce cancer development as on citrus fruits.

5. Strengthen bones

Magensium content in cashew nuts will make bones grow and develop properly, as well as help the formation of bone density and bone structure.

Here's a bit of a benefit and usefulness in cashew nuts for the health of the body. However, consuming cashew nuts also should be limited. Consume something fairly mid only, do not too much and not too little. Hopefully useful!


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