The benefits of soy beans (Soybeans)

The benefits of soy beans (Soybeans) – soy bean is one of the types of legumes that contain nutrients that are so good for the body. In Indonesia an awful lot of processed soy beans for example like tofu, tempeh, and soy milk. Even in some countries such as China and Japan, soybeans in the set as one of the foods that are often on the consumption of its inhabitants. The result you can see, the level of health of the country is much higher.


1. increase metabolism. Soy vegetable protein source that is very high. When you have a very pretty protein in the body, any metabolic functions will increase much greater. The protein itself is the block that serves as the Builder of the cells as well as blood vessels.

2. Healthy Diet. For those of you who want to lose weight healthily, you may try this one nut, soy is able to reduce appetite, so that will help You to reduce excessive eating habits.

3. Suppression of cancer. Soy beans contain antioxidants so well to reduce the risk of various kinds of cancer. One of them is breast cancer. The antioxidants are also useful to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals can cause healthy cells mutate into cancer cells.

4. Maintaining heart health. Soy actually does have the fat content, but not saturated fat, foods that have no saturated fat content will help to lower excess cholesterol.

5. Menopause. When the woman stepped on menopause, estrogen levels in the body will decline significantly. Soy beans will be able to decrease menopausal symptoms such as mood has changed drastically, even more hungry. Menopause can be a time that was so traumatic for many women, but pengonsumsian soy can be a surefire way to cope with this transition.

6. Osteoporosis. The high calcium content of making soy as one of the foods to strengthen tulagn and prevent pengeroposan known as osteoporosis. In addition, the kedelain contains Phytoestrogens that Act strengthens bones. As well as protein content to prevent the expenditure of calcium through urine.

7. Prevent anemia. Tempe is one of processed soy which is rich in nutrients and benefits. One of its benefits is preventing anemia or a lack of red blood cells. This is because in addition to the iron content of tempe also was able to increase the activity of the vitamin B12 plays a role in the formation of red blood cells.

8. Diabetes mellitus. Fiber, vitamin B complex, as well as the content of aminonya acid makes soy being perfect foods for diabetics. The content of the fibers also help control blood sugar levels.

9. Healthy digestion. Fiber content in soy beans and petrol products help abdominal muscle contraction thus preventing constipation. Content antibakterinya can also prevent diarrhea.

10. Anti aging. As foods rich in fiber, soy beans contain more antioxidants. If consumed on a regular basis can prevent premature aging. But it must be coupled with a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine.

11. Other benefits. Soybeans also contain a functioning magneisum regulates blood pressure. The content of fosfornya also serves to maintain the strength of bones and teeth.

Attention: soya beans containing purin medium (50 – 100 mg)/100 g should be consumed in a number of mediocre because it can lead to gout.

How? Still doubt with benefits that are owned by soy beans? Soy itself is considered one of the proteins. This is because due to the content of essential amino acids that are in it. So, it's definitely not if this bean is also very tasty addition to nourish the body. Soy beans is good not only for those who want to go on a diet or transition to menopause.


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