Benefits Of Betel Leaves For Health

Betel is one of the many plants and herbs grown in Indonesia. Tree propagate and have heart-shaped leaves. How to mengembangbiakkan this plant is to cut the stems found its roots and then planted in the ground directly. This plant is often used as a decoration on the front of the House because of its shape. And in addition to the beauty of this plant, it turns out that betel is a plant that has many benefits in the leaves.


There are several types of own betel, but known society there are two, namely the Red betel nut and betel leaves green. The betel leaf is widely used as a traditional medicine in ancient times due to its efficacy. Unfortunately, many communities that are less understood this so make use of betel is just as an ornament.

Benefits Of Betel Leaves For Health
Therefore, here I will share to you about the benefits of betel leaves for health so you can better utilize this plant.

Remedies Toothache

The trick is to chew betel leaf slavishly. The taste is spicy and aroma that cannot be missing from the muut then made a lot of people are reluctant to do it this way. Then for a fixed benefit, they changed the way of chewing betel leaves directly into merebusnya first then use water rebusannya water as a gargle. In this way, they can treat a toothache without having to make their breath always smelled of betel. And besides as a remedy a toothache, the way was also able to heal canker sores and bad breath often make you less confident.


Betel leaf contains a natural antibiotic that is able to kill bacteria that menebabkan of this disease. How to use them is to boil the leaves. After boiling, you should cool it down first and then boiled water last as a substitute for water when the wipe. Don't forget to apply the correct techniques when wipe from the front to the back.

Treating Nosebleeds

The betel leaf is able to prevent such a small nosebleed bleeding. The trick is to make the betel leaf slightly bruised in a way memukul-mukulnya then scroll and put it kelubang the nose. Leave it up to the nosebleed stops and feels not already flowing again. Aside from being a barrier to small bleeding, betel leaves are also useful as a drug burn. For first aid against Burns, you only need to heat up the betel leaf to be wilted then meeletakkannya above the wound.

Prevent Heart Disease

Benefits of betel leaf the next preventive medicine is as heart disease. Because the content of the vitamins and substances very high iron, soursop leaf can be used as a preventive medicine heart attack. How to obtain these benefits is by way of boiling drinking water over rebusannya then in the cold. Jam it, betel leaves are also useful as pana reliever and fever. In the same way i.e. drinking water godokan with betel leaves over the pain it lasts and stop when the disease is completely lost.

Cure Itchy Skin

Benefits of betel leaf that is the next as a remedy itchy. To make a cure itchy, all you need to do is smooth out the betel leaves, then put it above the skin of someone who experienced the itching. In addition to treating the hives, the herb can also be utilized as a remedy for other skin diseases.

The case review on the merits of betel leaves for health. By knowing about the things above, we hope you can find answers to your medication from a disease you suffer. That way, you will be someone who is very healthy and strong.


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