Benefits Leaf Of Papaya For Health Body

Papaya is a fruit that is widely grown in tropical countries like Indonesia. Taste the sweet fruit make a lot of people who liked this fruit. Due to numerous requests of the market for fruit on this one, many farmers who switch from other crops to plant the papaya fruit. In addition to a very easy way of cultivation occurring, harganyapun are also quite competitive. It then makes the farmers getting excited.

leaf of papaya

Moreover, lately of papaya leaves are also much sought after by consumers due to its abundant and drank to the health. And do not forget to also read the article about the benefits of papaya fruit as well as the content of its nutrition value.

Benefits Of Papaya For Health
What are the benefits of papaya leaves until many people were hunted? Here I will explain about the benefits of papaya leaves to human health.

Launch defecation

The first benefit is as vegetables which are able to smoothen bowel movements. Papaya leaves are one type of foliage is rich in deposits of karpain. Karpain this is what will then kill all the microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract that he deems as parasites in the stomach. Thus, the human digestive system will be better and avoid diarrhea or constipation.

Prevent dengue fever

Benefits of papaya leaves the next deterrent is as dengue fever. You can do this by means of regular drinking of water decoction of leaves of the papaya. In order for you to feel comfortable when drank it, add a little sweetener such as honey. By consuming this potion, you will minimize the occurrence of dengue fever so that your life will be more assured of his health.

Eliminates menstrual pain

The next benefit is as a pain reliever. How to obtain the benefit of this is by way of boiling the one sheet of papaya leaves together salt and tamarind. After boiling, let stand until then minulah gangat. Drink this concoction in a warm State will accelerate the reaction in the stomach so that the pain would soon be overcome. In addition, papaya leaves are also useful as anti-cancer drugs. That is because in papaya leaves there are SAP capable of prevent and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The SAP will be mixed at all preparations made of papaya leaves. So, you don't need to drink the SAP directly.

Treating a cold

Benefits of papaya leaves the next is as cold medicine. The content of various substances useful in papaya leaves were able to eliminate the disease enters the wind. How to make use of papaya leaves as a cure cold is drink decoction of papaya leaves and leaf sembung, cumin, Lemongrass, ginger and brown sugar. Don't forget to filter it before drinking. For maximum results, drink in a warm State.

Prevent and treat diabetes

Benefits of papaya next is as anti diabetes. Conatins a compound able to control sugar levels in the blood so that the situation will remain stable. Although it can control blood sugar, but you also have to compensate by way of maintaining the food you consume. So, all should be able to run in hand in hand.

Papaya leaves as acne medicine

Benefits of papaya that is as acne medication. Inflamed acne in teenagers sometimes make them restless. However, as of now they don't have to fret because there is a potent traditional medicine in overcoming acne. The drug is a mask of papaya leaves. Papaya leaf masks you can create your own by way of smoothing a fresh papaya leaf and then rub it all over the face. wait 30 minutes and rinse. This way of doing routine every two days.

The case review on the benefits of papaya leaves. Hopefully it can be a reference for you. Hopefully helpful.


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