How To Fix Indigestion

Overcome digestive disorders talks about the symptoms of the disease, everyone certainly never experienced indigestion. Disease symptoms of indigestion are diverse, depending on each person's digestive condition. Indigestion is a problem experienced by one or several organs and digestive system are happening simultaneously. The function of the digestive system is to receive, Digest, or break down the food into nutrients that your body needs. The nutrients that have already obtained it later transmitted by blood to the entire body. Through the digestive system, a form of food can be processed according to the needs of the body, such as the example of the separate parts of the food can be digested or not.


Digestive Disorders

The digestive system begins from the mouth to the anus, or rather started from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, and anus. There are some organs like the liver, pancreas, and gall bladder which belong to the digestive system, but these organs are lying third on the outside Groove of the digestive system. Five common suffered gastrointestinal disorders are diseases of the gastric acid, food poisoning, gallstones, appendicitis, and hemorrhoids.

1. Stomach acid
Gastric acid is a disease caused by the rising of stomach acid into the esophagus. This is because the muscle ring esophagus could not close perfectly. The esophagus or oesophagus is the channel that connects the mouth with the stomach. The workings of this ring is a one-way valve. When You swallow food, then the section valves open so food can get into the stomach. After the food came in, then automatically rings the esophagus will be covered. This occurs so that food and stomach acid does not go up into the esophagus.

The cause of the illness was stomach acid stomach acid which rises up into the esophagus. When sufferers feel the symptoms, then the sufferer to feel some symptoms such as bad taste sensation in the mouth, the presence of pain in the solar plexus, and pain when swallowing something. Sufferers are fond of food containing high fat levels, have excess weight, and pregnant women are the ones who are at risk to suffer disease stomach acid. By asking the symptoms experienced by sufferers, then the doctor will easily recognize if the sufferer has the disease of stomach acid. When the sufferer is experiencing more extreme conditions such as irritable bowel or peptic ulcers, further examination is required.

Natural ways to prevent gastric acid, then you need to do is to replace the food menu. If You are consuming a lot less healthy foods, then now you can replace your menu with healthy foods that are fat-free. If diet and medications are not able to cure stomach acid, then the way to do is to end the operation.

2. Food poisoning
Who ever experienced food poisoning? Food poisoning is a condition when a person is experiencing some of the symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fever, weakness, and muscle pain. The cause of the food poisoning is because someone consumes food contaminated by the virus norovirus, e. Coli, and salmonella.
Food poisoning can occur when a person consumes foods that are not cooked properly, the food is outdated food touched hands dirty, someone who eats with the use of the hands that carry viruses or bacteria, food warmer that is stored in a very long time, or it could be due to some type of food not frozen by temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius. In addition, the cause of the food poisoning is another cooked food again, however the process is imperfect and because someone consumes food contaminated food is stale.

Tips from the food poisoning was not difficult because the disease is not a disease, even weight of sufferers can be cured within a few days without the drug. The trick is with lots of breaks and do not forget to consume plenty of fluids so that is not affected by dehydration. The use of oral rehydration therapy can also be done as an alternative medicine for patients with food poisoning. Foods that can be consumed during the period of recovery is a snack IE cookies, bananas, or bread. After your condition improves, then you can eat food as usual.
But if you suffer from severe food poisoning that belongs, like the example of the symptoms of poisoning are not lost for days and getting worse as heavy dehydration, heart beating fast, minimal urine production, and sunken eyes, then you should immediately consult to your doctor, especially if the toxicity experienced by pregnant women, babies, toddlers, sufferers are above 60 years, sufferers havea weak body resistance , diabetics, and sufferers of kidney. Through examination offecal sample, doctors can diagnose the possibility of food poisoning.

3. Gallstone Disease
This disease is caused by inflammation of the gallbladder or blockage in the bile duct. Rock that crystallized it clog bile duct and formed by cholesterol. And chemical imbalance on the gall bladder. When gallstones do not clog, then no symptoms or disorders of any kind, but if the stone already clog, then the abdominal pain you will feel great and last for one to five hours, not to mention if this pain symptoms sudden emergence. Gallstone disease causes inflammation, high fevers, even jaundice. If it gets worse, then it could irritate the pancreas and increasing pain symptoms.

If the gallstones do not cause symptoms, then it doesn't need to be treated. However, if the cause of the symptoms, then the gallbladder through laparoscopic surgery should be operated on. This treatment is minimal risk and does not cause complications.


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