Benefits Of Eggplant For The Health Of The Body

The benefits for the health of the body-Eggplant Eggplant is a delicious vegetable that is often consumed in the community. Traditional market Eggplant is very easy to come by, not just its availability are always there but also prices very affordable with Eggplant pockets of the people. Consume a assortment of Eggplant, some were created as a condiment, as fried foods and others. But it's a shame because the societyfor less know about content in Eggplant Purple vegetables, so this often marginalized and often considered one eye and losing the popular with the other dishes.


Eggplant is very good for the health of the body, because of his nutritional contentwhich is very good for health. Among the existing content in the fruit of Eggplant iscalcium, mineralsrich in fiber, Bioflavonoids and vitamin k. with a myriad of this purple fruit content is able to be a supporter of the health of the body. Below we will reveal the benefits of Eggplant for health, may be unknown to many people.

Benefits of Eggplant for the health of the body

1. Preventing diabetes
Eggplant unexpectedly into a healthy food that its capacity could prevent diabetes.A lot of fiber and at least soluble carbohydrates make Eggplant is capable of preventing diabetes. Then often this purple food consuming

2. Healthy digestion
Digestion is a vital organ in the body that governs the operations of the food and drinks. By consuming foods rich in fiber such as Eggplant then digestion will be healthy, digestion will be clean and will avoid various problems such as colon cancer etc.

3. Nutrition for the brain
Who would have thought when the purple Eggplant is food ponutrisi brain. Phyto content in Eggplant is very useful for intelligence. The brain requires phyto for his health, then the Eggplant provides these nutrients for health. Come stimulate consuming Eggplant Purple

4. Strengthen Bones
Eggplant contains a lot of calcium that is beneficial for bone, teeth. In order for bones and joints consumption, then it's always healthy Eggplant is one of the options.

5. Avoid anemia
The disease anemia or less blood was caused because the body is less supply of iron. Then for insufficient iron consumption food-food that is rich in iron, and one of them is the eggplant.

6. Maintain heart health
Consume regular Eggplant are good for heart health. Because Eggplant could lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body, so the heart awake (bad cholesterol is one of the causes of a problem in the heart)

7. Set the high blood pressure
Content of Bioflavonoids in fruit of the Eggplant is beneficial to set the high blood pressure. High blood is a serious health problem that can sometimes be life-threatening suddenly.

This is the 7 benefits and benefits for the health of Eggplant that are rarely known to many people. Hopefully this blog with the benefits of Eggplant can spread and known to everyone. For that please please shared his article to other friends or relatives.


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