The Symptoms Of Malaria (The Light And Heavy)

The Symptoms Of Malaria. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite called plasmodium. And the disease is usually transmitted through the bite of mosquitoes that have been infected by the parasite type. The type of mosquitoes that transmit the parasite is Anopheles.


A human be bitten by mosquitoes that have been infected with the parasite that would enter into the human body and proliferate on the liver organ which then infect red blood cells and eventually cause sufferers experience symptoms  symptoms of malaria.

As in the symptoms in people with influenza, if not immediately treated, then it will be more severe and continuing could lead to complications that resulted in death.

The disease is most prevalent in tropical and sub tropical parasitic plasmodium which is able to breed and so is the anopheles mosquito, with Indonesia is included in the list of those areas.

However, the areas that are most prone to once contracted malaria is like in the area south of the Sahara in Africa and Papua New Guinea in Oceania. Summary results indicate that worldwide malaria kills a child every 30 second, and about 300-500 million people in the world are exposed to the infection of this parasite and about 1 million itang died because of it. And for Africa's own 90% of deaths caused by malaria. As well as the most vulnerable are those who are stricken with children.

Because of the danger of malaria disease which can after death. Then to be ableto quickly crack down on lanjutinya If knowing the symptoms  symptoms of malaria occur on our children or our brothers or even ourselves.

Symptoms Of Malaria
If you don't know the symptoms  symptoms of malaria, following exposure on symptoms  symptoms of malaria. Previously, please note also that malaria is classified into two categories namely; Malaria malaria is light and heavy.

The symptoms of malaria (without complications)
In this condition the sufferer will experience symptoms of fever accompanied with bite, besides the excess also with headache, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and muscle pain. For a mild malaria is divided into 3 tiers of the stadium, including:
1. cold Stadium
2. Stage fright
3. Stadium sweating
Symptoms of severe malaria (complications)
At this stage can be known by performing laboratory examination sendi are accompanied by complications, as follows:

  • Often delirious
  • Speaking uncontrolled
  • Seizures  seizures
  • Coma or unconscious
  • Dehydration
  • Quick Breath
  • shortness of breath
  • very high body temperature

To be spared from malaria prevention to do this early on. Because the disease is caused by mosquitoes, then we should maintain the cleanliness of our residence. Immediately handle quickly and precisely if the surrounding neigh bourhood we there are puddles that can be used as mosquito breeding. Or can also be done with taking any medication klorokium if you will be visiting the place  a place that the incidence of malaria.
If you find symptoms of malaria, you should immediately see a doctor to check for further handling. Or can also be directly using the traditional way, i.e. with papaya leaves. Papaya leaves are believed able to cure malaria. No matter how easy enough with the capture of papaya leaves and take water. Drink 3 x a day. Then the malaria suffered will soon recover.


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