How To Treat a Sore Throat

How to treat a sore throat-Cure a sore throat or sore throat can with natural ingredients such as water, honey, salt and garlic. Before discussing further how to treat a sore throat, it's good you know first what it was strep throat. In the medical world or medicine, sore throat called Pharyngitis. The cause can be assorted, but on most case sore throat is caused due to viruses and bacterial infections.

Some viruses cause sore throat, among others, i.e., the Common cold, Flu (Influenza) virus, crop, the virus measles, measles virus and also water. Inflammation of the throat itself is divided into two types, namely, acute and chronic inflammation of the throat. In addition to attacking the adult disease is also often experienced by children, especially when they are stricken with flu and cough.
How to treat a sore throat caused by bacteria must not be arbitrary, if not exactly can cause various health such as heart, rheumatism, and other diseases. But so far the natural sore throat remedies do not cause side effects because it contains no chemicals. If you are interested in trying out how to treat sore throat naturally, here's some how.

1. With Garlic
The content of allicin compound found in garlic can kill the bacteria the causes of a sore throat. Here's how by consuming raw garlic regularly until the sore throat has subsided.

2. Tea
Consume tea daily can help heal strep throat which you suffered. It would be more effective when added with one spoon of pure honey.

3. Chicken soup
Chicken broth contains natirum which is an anti-inflammatory that can accelerate the healing of a sore throat. Chicken soup is also very suitable consumed when the throat feels pain because of softer foods.

4. Consume honey
Just like tea, honey also contains high antioxidants that can speed up the sore throat. Try consuming honey on a regular basis so that a sore throat a speedy recovery. But make sure the honey really pure honey, because currently many false honey supply.

5. Gargle salt water
Input one spoon of salt into a glass of warm water, mix well and then use it to gargle. gargle for a little over a minute and apply this way 3-4 times a day.

In some ways treat sore throat above doesn't rewarding immediately to a physician consultation to handling more serious including dispensing of antibiotics. Such health tips that I can give this time, may be beneficial.


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