Know What Kind Of Food To Supplement The Blood Is Low

Should be various kinds of food or fruits that are able to augment the blood continually added as menu foods mandatory in every day. Many people are ignoring the bad, it is likely that food is not considered influential on the body. But if insufficient iron intake can increase health problems recently.

One of the factors that make your body more frail than usual is a red blood cell deficiency or anemia. It's obvious it is due to the intake of nutrients are not met and absorbed well by the body. In addition to iron deficiency, as well as a lack of folic acid and vitamins A, B12 and c. To deal with it not only the use of drugs, preferably food Enhancer low blood konsumsilah as follows.

Know What Kind Of Food To Supplement Low Blood

1. Red meat
As for some of the red meat is beef, goats, water buffalo and sheep. Although red meat has high cholesterol and carcinogens, so that makes it always be said that red meat causes of various diseases. According to the study there is a proper serving of red meat consumed in the order that is not harmful to health, namely the consumption of 70 grams of red meat per day.

2. Salmon
Salmon is a type of seafood which contains vitamin B12 is very high, so it is able to help in dealing with the sufferers of anaemia. In addition, vitamin B12 in the body may divide the cells and keeping the nervous system along with the cell. This is needed in processing the form of DNA.

3. Almonds
Almonds or almond seeds contain lots of iron which is able to provide optimization in circulate blood throughout the body. Well, should you need to consume one ounce of almonds in each day, because it will be able to fullfill your daily iron needs.

4. Chinese cabbage
The vegetables needed by sufferers of anaemia is a type of vegetable that is rich in chlorophyll or leaf green substance. One of them found in vegetables green cabbage or chicory. This is because the content in it in the form of vitamin A, B, and C are beneficial in regenerate red blood cells. Not only that, in the vegetable sawi were also found, call it minerals potassium, magnesium and potassium.

5. the cauliflower and Cauliflower
Some of the content of nutrients in vegetables is the same as the vegetables of broccoli. Benefits that are in it are able to regenerate the hemoglobin (Hb) very well. Greenish-colored vegetables is also important for the intake mengadung the body of them namely, calcium, potassium, protein, thamine and niacin.

6. Citrus fruits
Vitamin C found in citrus fruits would be good for consumption for patients with anemina. It is because it is able to reproduce the red blood cells in the body. In addition to vitamin C, citrus fruits also pocketed the other content in the form of folic acid, antioxidants and fiber.

7. Strawberry Fruit
Strawberry fruit is needed more by the body, especially for people with a shortage of blood. As for the content in the fruit of strowberi is a vitamin C and Vitamin B9 or folic acid is known by. Surely you should be consuming this fruit that tastes sweet acids where physical traits are red.

You have to be diligent in taking any type of food of meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits that have been mentioned above, inasmuch as it has been proven well will benefit both in content and add low blood.


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