How To Treat Ulcers Naturally

How to treat ulcers – ulcers is one of the diseases on the influence by an infection at the skin's surface. There are these infections make the itching and Red-Red protrusions. Also, even for the more chronic ulcers can make sense of heat, pain and feel itchy wants to scratch. But, instead of scratching system make ulcers feel more pain as well as chronic more than the first. If passed, it could lead to such distribution in most of the other points, and led the rest of the hard in the right hip.


Causes and characteristics of diseases of ulcers

The disease can take place at the sore parts of the body, there are also specific space like in the back, neck, buttocks, legs, face, head and side of the body to another. This possibility was justified because there are bacteria that are embedded in the skin as well as skin infect it. With the exception of bacteria, there are also other causes, including:

  • There is a less healthy eating patterns.
  • Lack of care over hygiene yourself.
  • Weak immune system in the body.
  • The consumption of unhealthy the food menu.

Diseases of ulcers is different from hives that just for a moment only, although thus far is not the same. To know the finality of these ulcers can be diseases know of some symptoms, i.e.:
  • The emergence of the bulge is red-red like pimples on the surface of the body.
  • There are bulges at the skin and feel itchy.
  • The bulge felt sore and painful.
  • There are white in the midst of that bulge.
  • Feel pain when pressed.
  • Remove pus that smells unpleasant.
  • Sometimes coupled with a fever.

Basically, this could lead to sores diseases damage the appearance and health of the skin. The trigger is from a bacterial infection as a bulge at some point.
Treat ulcers is not just a workable medically, but by wearing the traditional herb of some natural ingredients can also. Like most traditional ulcers remedies below:

How to treat ulcers with Aloe Vera
The Aloe Vera plant is one among the powerful to deal with ulcers, even in a State that is so chronic though. This treatment can be prefixed with greasing meat plant it on ulcers as well as the surrounding areas. applying Aloe Vera is ongoing, after the dry greasing-apply again. But, in these applications is good as slowly as well as alert, until, ulcers quickly recovered. If you need to make that smoother so that the plant is easily affixed to the skin then cover it with fabric.

How to treat ulcers with Garlic
Garlic can also be used as a healing of ulcers due to kitchen materials this one role as an antibiotic. For the treatment of ulcers can be prefixed with a peeling garlic from the chaff, then clean and contrived pounded until fine. Then, the collision is ready for the greasing-DAB as needed, in part ulcers with cover wear bandages. In this system, would feel a little bit painful, but that's not why because is a side of medicine.

How to treat ulcers with Betel leaves
So many complete and avail of betel leaf, including also also to treat ulcers on the skin's surface. The process is to take three pieces of betel leaf that has been washed clean, then stacked until smooth. The collision that later would smeared on the ulcers. Wear a bandage to cover and make the collision can be attached properly.

How to treat ulcers with Red Onion
Red Onion is indeed one of the Spice kitchen the rich benefits. One of them can be used as a drug to treat ulcers. Take 1 grains of red onion then peeled, clean and grate. Take as needed and attach on the ulcers. This herb is also good for treating sores/ulcers so that dry fast and lasting infection.

How to treat ulcers with Leaves of Sauropus Androgynus
Until now we know leaves sauropus androgynus charge for vegetables to eaten. But the fact is, our ancestors have been smarter. Katuk leaves they wore for most traditional healing, one of whom treat ulcers or ulcers. Take a handful of leaves of sauropus androgynus, wipe it clean then crushed. Paste on wounds/ulcers and let to dry.

Well that's the reviews of how to treat ulcers, may be useful!


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