Benefits Of Katuk Leaf

For mothers, the leaves of the plant, which is already katuk is often heard. Expectant mothers and their newborn children, breastfeeding is often recommended to consume the leaves of katuk. The plant is believed to be waging a BREAST MILK (breast milk) which became the staple food for the baby. Besides being useful for mothers, leaf katuk is often used to menyayur. Made of clear or dioseng-vegetable Sauté, leaf katuk is healthy food that is also good. But is it only as it uses its own katuk leaves?
katuk leaf

Perhaps a bit ironic that even though it has often been heard katuk leaves, there are still many people who do not know what the actual leaves that katuk. Katuk leaves Sauropus androgynus scientific names. The plant is widely distributed in Southeast Asia. Katuk leaves usually grows in the lowlands and easily grown to be used as a fence for life.

In Viet Nam, known as katuk rau ngót, while Chinese people call it mani cai. In Java, the katuk leaves called kebing and katukan, in Malay katuk is spying, in Minangkabau, people call Simani, while at Madura, the term kerakur is better known.

Katuk leaves included in shrubs. If it grows, it can reach up to 2 to 3 m. leaves are alternating growing on one stalk. The leaves are oval in shape, tapered leaves menyirip bone, flat leaf margin, and a blunt base. The color of the leaves is very green when young, but become greenish Brown when it is old. Katuk leaves have purple colored flowers.

The Content Of Nutrients In Leaves Of Sauropus Androgynus

Katuk leaves inside there are many deposits of substances that are very useful for the human body. Nutrients in leaves of sauropus androgynus, among others, are vitamins A, B, and C, fat, protein, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Researchers suspect that the chemical content of sauropus androgynus conceived, namely the Sterols have estrogenic, hormonal effect that triggers the production of BREAST MILK so it becomes more. In addition researchers also discovered that the leaves of sauropus androgynus contains ephedrine which is very effective for treating influenza.

Katuk Leaves Benefits

We already know that the leaves of sauropus androgynus especially very useful for the production of breast milk. However, seeing how the abundance of deposits of nutrients contained in it, surely just increase breast milk is not only being the only usefulness of sauropus androgynus leaves. The following are some of the other uses of sauropus androgynus leaves:

  • Launch An ASI
  • Clean up the dirty blood on a woman's reproductive organs
  • Curing fever, ulcers, and ulcers
  • Frambusia or treat skin infections
  • Cure constipation
  • Prevent osteoporosis
  • Treat influenza
  • Increase sperm production
  • Increase the immunity of the body
  • Helps vision
  • It turns out that the leaves of sauropus androgynus indeed has many uses. Everyone can benefit from this plant, not only its mother.

Katuk leaves benefits for married couples

As we see above, the leaves of sauropus androgynus have chemical compounds. These compounds, called phytochemicals have medicinal properties. There are seven chemical compounds in it that stimulates growth hormone steroids (progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, and glukokortiroid) and Eicosanoids. If women consume him, then the active compounds will stimulate her womanhood hormones. The skin becomes smooth and hair to be healthy and soft. For men, the compound stimulates hormones might, so that the vitality of the higher.

For married couples, the offspring is a huge boon. But not infrequently after years of marriage, still they are not blessed with offspring. Consume the leaves of sauropus androgynus strongly recommended for married couples who want to have a child soon, especially for men. By eating the leaves of sauropus androgynus routinely, sperm production will increase, as well as its quality.

Turns out to be not only useful, but leaves its roots as well. People of antiquity often utilize the root leaves katuk as traditional medicine to cope with fever and anyang-anyangan.


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