Benefits Of Cashew For The Health Of Human Body

Benefits of cashew or cashew nuts for health. Almost everyone is certainly familiar with the fruit on this one, if seen from the name cashew no relation with the presence of a monkey. Cashew or also known guava cashew crop is a type of the Anacardiaceae originating from Brazil. Before knowing what are the benefits to your health, it's good we see any content contained in the guava cashew.


Cashew contain compounds such as tannins, anacardic acid and cardol, which is useful as antibacterial and antiseptic. Besides young leaves also have chemical content like vitamin A of 2689 Sl per 100 gr., 65 grams of vitamin C per 100 grams, per 100 gr. 73 calories grams protein, 4.6 Gr. per 100 grams, fat 0.5 gr per 100 gr, hydrate charcoal 16.3 gr per 100 gr, 33 mg calcium per 100 grams, 64 mg phosphorus per 100 gr 8.9 mg, iron and water 78 gr per 100 gr. Benefits of cashew is very much with the content contained therein.

Benefits of cashew or cashew nuts for health

1. Laxatives

Water root decoction cashew efficacious as a laxative.

2. Treat eczema and chronic skin diseases

Cashew leaves an old one can be used to treat the disease of eczema and chronic skin diseases until there is currently no cure, as well as burns.

3. stimulant Drug of lust

Cashew leaves young, frequently used as vegetables and vegetable ingredients. Young leaves cashew nuts have the ability like herbs and rapet cider serves as a stimulant drug of lust.

4. Diabetes mellitus

Boil 2 cut bark cashew and adaspulawaras with 2 liters of water to boiling, then filtered to take water. Drink 2 times a day in the morning and afternoon.

5. Dysentery

Boil 1 handheld leaf cashew and 1 cut bark cashew with 1.5 litres of water until boiling, then filtered. Drink 2 times a day, at morning and evening.

6. mouth Ulcers

Do I boil 1 handheld leaf cashew nuts and 1 cut bark cashew nuts with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered to take water. Then drink 2 times a day, at morning and evening.

Well, that's an article about the benefits of cashew that we can pass on. As a side note, you should be careful with SAP in the cashew kernels, because the SAP is toxic and can cause skin irritation, inflammation and swelling of the skin.


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