How To Lower High Blood Pressure

How to Lower high blood pressure with a pattern of healthy living – high blood pressure is a State in which the blood pressure increases in chronic in long periods of time. Because the blood vessels are narrowed and embossed fat stacks as well as other substances that harm the body. Blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg is said to be a normal blood pressure. However, if the blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg or more already convicted of having high blood pressure.

Tension meter

An easy way to know high blood pressure by examining blood or blood control to a doctor using a tool called tensionmeter. If the pressure of examination based on the size of the blood pressure exceeding the figures above, it obviously affected by high blood pressure. If it has been exposed then it is very risky to have a stroke, heart disease, chronic heart failure are. Therefore please take note of our blood pressure up an down.

Symptoms and causes of Hypertension

Usually the symptoms that often we know high blood pressure that is often a headache when waking up from sleep and then disappeared over the hours, the heart is always pounding tight especially when irregular breath will sleep, fatigue, irritability, lumbago, often sudden ear ringing, insomnia and the view is not clear and a bit blurry. More details, please read the article the symptoms of hypertension.

As for factors the causes of high blood pressure are:

Heredity, age and genes
If our parents have high blood pressure then the chances are we as his children would suffer as well. In addition, we often will be a big risk suffered from high blood pressure due to the nature of elastic blood vessels undergo cycles of refinement in it. It will result in increased blood. At the age of 45-65 both men and women would be a major risk of experiencing high blood pressure however severe the women.

Additional factors
High blood pressure will grow if experiencing high stress and pressure on the very feeling of squeezing the heart. Besides obesity, lack of movement and exercise, and excessive smoking habit in consuming alcohol, salt and foods containing high fat will cause high blood pressure. Reduce to consume food that is fibrous and alternative diets are not stable and balanced.

How To Prevent Hypertension There are several ways of prevention, including:

The activities of the diet and consuming supplements

How to execute it by avoiding the consumption of salt when cooking and eating food, not too much. In addition, eat foods that are low in bersodium, avoid salty food, cheese, meat and sauce. Don't forget to consume supplements that contain lots of potassium and potassium-many are in vegetables and fruits.

Fibrous food consumption and food-omega 3

Recommended for high blood pressure sufferers in order to eat oranges, bananas and apples because much of the content of the fibers. In addition to green vegetables such as spinach, long beans, broccoli could also be a list of menu foods for high blood pressure. Don't forget foods containing omega 3 can also lose and cure high blood pressure. Omega 3 is usually the shape of a pill or a cure so that practically consume her when the need for food intake.

Traditional Hypertension Medications

By using the natural way that cheap, easy and practical to acquire it can also treat and prevent high blood pressure. At one of the plants that always we encounter every day, namely celery and garlic. Both of these vegetables have already demonstrated the benefits and efficacy of her by some researchers in Indonesia. And the alin are:


Celery since time immemorial have been a traditional medicine in China because it can treat high blood pressure. According recent research of celery can be processed into juice and can lower high blood pressure by way of consuming each day. Because of the content of potassium, antioxidants and minerals in celery can stretch the muscles in the walls of the arteries so that blood can flow smoothly. Useful to reduce the hormones that cause stress because the blood vessels are growing increasingly evident.

Making way: take a handful of celery or to taste only. Add one glass of water to cook and then insert it into the blender. After gently, lifting the result and then strain. Drink once a day after breakfast. But before consuming celery juices, blood tests should tensi beforehand. If it is, drinking celery juice for 1-2 weeks, check our blood pressure tensi. When normal stop to drink the juice of celery.


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