Benefits Of Mustard Greens For a Healthy Body

Get to know the benefits of mustard greens for a healthy body. The real green vegetables have more vitamin A, carotenoids, flavonoids and vitamin K than the common fruits consumed and other vegetables. Mustard Green is one of the most nutritious vegetables. Mustard greens are shed the phytonutrients have benefits for health and disease prevention.

Behind the shape that looks good, it turns out that mustard had an unexpected health benefits. Benefits of mustard greens-very unusual for the body. No responsibility-responsibility, heart health, immune system, avoid joint pain is a guarantee for the mengonsumsinya.

Benefits of mustard greens for a healthy body

1. Mustard Greens have more vitamin C than oranges

One cup of sliced mustard Greens have a 134% to a daily intake of vitamin C are recommended, while fruit with orange size medium has only 113% of the daily vitamin C needs. Let alone a cup of cabbage weighs only 67 grams, while orange medium size weighs 131 gr, so in other words this mustard greens vitamin C has doubled compared to oranges.

2. Help fight inflammation and prevent the formation of plaque in the arteries

Mustard Greens have a lot of phytonutrients, quercetin which help fight inflammation and prevent the formation of plaque in the arteries and sulforaphane, a compound contrarian cancer. But all the compounds that would be more effective if combined with other foods. Examples include avocado and olive oil.

3. Suitable for diet food

Mustard greens are very low in calories (26 kcal per 100 g raw leaves) and fat, but rich in fiber, it is recommended in the programme for controlling cholesterol and weight reduction.

4. Control your cholesterol

There are other benefits of mustard on a dark green leaves contain vast amounts of fiber, which can help control cholesterol and also protects against hemorrhoids, constipation as well as cancer of the colon.

5. Sources of antioxidants

Fresh mustard greens are a source of some of the anti-oxidants and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, beta-carotene seta some other important minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium and manganese.

6. Benefits of mustard greens for patient alzheimer's disease

Vitamin K in mustard Greens have a role in building bone mass function by developing osteotrofik activity on bone. It is also beneficial in patients alzheimer's disease by limiting the damage to the nerves in the brain.

7. Prevent neural tube defects in infants

The leaves of the mustard greens are also a good source of folic acid. Water-soluble vitamins have an important role in the synthesis of DNA and when given before and early pregnancy help prevent neural tube defects in infants.

8. Maintaining healthy skin and mucous membrane

Leaf mustard contains vitamin A which is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes, and also important for vision.

9. To prevent arthritis, osteoporosis

Regular consumption of mustard greens in foods known to prevent arthritis, osteoporosis, anemia and iron deficiency is believed to protect against heart disease, asthma and cancer of the colon and prostate cancer.

For patients with kidney stones should reduce the consumption of mustard greens in mustard leaf because the contained substance called oxalic that inhibit the absorption of calcium in the body and cause the formation of ginja rock. So an article about the benefits of mustard greens for a healthy body we can convey, may be useful.


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