4 Benefits Of China's Distance Leaves For Health

Leaves the distance China has several health benefits. One of the benefits of this plant is known by many people for example as drugs wound. The medicinal plant has other names like iodine, balacai batai, tintir or distance. Now, Chinese distance leaves a lot to be developed throughout the world, due to the pharmacological properties that exist in it. In fact, this plant spread around us. Very ironic if you don't know its benefits.
China's Distance Leaves

The characteristics of China's iodine or distance tree scientific name of China or the distance of the Octopus is a Jatropha Plant l. Dentaria this shrub can live many years and high trees reach 2 meters or more. Riding the roots and stems round the tree.All parts of this plant contain the SAP, especially the leaves and radishes. Leaf-shaped Chinese distance malai or similar finger with the tip pointed and green. Compound interest out of the ends of the branches of the plant, with the color red. This flower has 8 stamens and a pistil of 3. The shape of the head of the sari is similar to the tread of the horse. While castor bean China experiencing discoloration of white when young, becoming Brown when the seeds have been old. This seed shape tends to be oval. 

The content of the leaves of the distance China Chinese distance Leaves contains a number of chemical substances like sitosterol, a-stigmasterol, campesterol, a-amirin, and HCN. The tree trunks contain tannins, alkaloids, flavonoid, and saponins. Its roots contain phenolic compounds, carbohydrates, and glycosides. Phytochemical substances also found in plants, such as multiflora, multidose, multitone, Labadie in, multifidol, biobellein, etc. Behind the bitter taste of the leaves, the distance of the Chinese pharmacological effect like hemostatic (stop bleeding), antibiotic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatories. 4 benefits of China's Distance Leaves for treatment In traditional medicine, leaves the distance is often used to treat some diseases and health disorders.

The following are the benefits of China's distance leaves for treatment and how to create herb:

1. Treat wounds the terms of the flavonoids Compounds and tannin in leaves of Chinese distance for effective against staphylococcus aureus infections, as well as speed up the drying of the wound scratch. This is caused by antimicrobial properties of both compounds. How to use it, snap the tip of the stalk of the leaf until the resin out. Apply SAP at wounds in your skin. Although it is a little sore, but this way is very fast to make the cuts to become dry.

2. Treating bruises, sprains, broken bones and an anti-inflammatory found in the leaves of Chinese distance is useful for overcoming swollen, bruised, and so on. How to make herb: 0-7 leaves a distance of China, then mash until pulverized. Mix with a little water, dab on the problematic parts of the body.

3. Relieve sore arthritis and rheumatic pain in Cameroon, China's distance leaves are often used to treat arthritis. How, prepare some leaves of Chinese distance then mashed to get resin. Add the essential oils, to open up the pores of your skin so it can percolate plant SAP. dab mixture at a troubled joint.

4. Treating toothache pain and pain due to cavities naturally very tortuous sufferers.Well, to overcome a toothache naturally, use the traditional way. The crushed or milled seeds Chinese distance until smooth, then with pour boiling water on  a glass of hot water. After the water is a bit cold, gargle with it for about 5 minutes. Do this with the treatment routine in the morning, noon, and night. While the Cubans usually use SAP China distance to treat a toothache. The people of Colombia also use leaf iodine or distance China to treat certain diseases. Leaf iodine turns out to have many health benefits, so don't waste it. 

Warning: the distance China contain a poison called jatropine which can cause agglutination and hemolysis of erythrocytes. So, be careful in its use.

Well, so 4 the benefits of China's distance leaves for treatment. You can plant a flower pot or China in the distance as the fence of the House. Enough with the method of planting seeds or cuttings. So, when the family or your neighbor's afflicted wounds bleed, use a leaf iodine as first aid.


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