Benefits Of Urang Aring Leaves For Health

Benefits of Urang Aring (Eclipta alba (l.) Hassk.) – Perhaps the readers there who thought that the trees were high aring urang-such a large eucalyptus tree. Both are indeed made regular oil, however, the types of trees are far different. If woody plants including eucalyptus, urang-aring this is a grass that grows wild at the edge of the road, the edge of a ditch or a grassy field gets a lot of direct sunlight. These plants can flourish in the lowlands up to an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level.

Urang Aring Leaves

The characteristics of the plant stem is-aring urang is round with green color tanned, overgrown hair a bit rough white. Leaf urang-aring is green, the ovoid shape is elongated, tapered leaf tip, Marge leaves finely serrated or almost flat. And both surfaces of the leaves are hairy and feels a little rough. Compound interest is shaped into small head are white. The fruit is somewhat flattened lengthwise, hard and hairy. The plant can grow urang-aring high 80 until it reaches the centimeters.

Herbaceous urang-aring has a sweet, mild flavor and acid. The chemical properties of this plant in the form of stopped the bleeding (hemostatic), lower the heat (antipyretic) and anti-poison (antitoxic). These herbs go into liver and kidney meridians.Parts of the plant are often used as medicine is a whole plant, either in fresh or dried State. Most are processed into oil for hair care.

Urang-Aring oil benefits for hair
Children who are born in the 80s certainly know very well what are the benefits of urang aring for hair. Since ancient times in very difficult getting hair oil as it is now already varied kind. First, the only one of the most famous hair oil at affordable pricesYes oil urang-aring. Even now, I still remember the smells.
Benefits Of Urang Aring Leaves For Health

1. Discolor hair

Although this plant is green, but it turns out that it included black coloring substance content. Very entry would be if our parents used to be used to get a shiny black hair. The trick is pretty routinely to use oils urang-aring regularly. Read also how to blacken your hair with other natural ingredients.

2. Fertilizer efficacious hair

In addition to these plants turned out to blacken also efficacious in nourish hair. Take one handheld leaf urang-aring and dab until smooth. Add two cups of water then filter the arin. the dew of water filter that for overnight. Use this herb in your scalp once a day.

3. Fertilize eyebrows

In addition to nourish hair, oil people aring can also fertilize the eyebrows. Do I simply apply the oil people aring evenly on the eyebrows up to about the skin?

4. Cool the head

Still remember with one of the efficacy of urang-aring it? Yes, is lower the heat. So can also be used to cool the hot heads.

5. Eliminate dandruff

Dandruff is also the wrong problem the scalp that can ruin the beauty of the hair. By using the oil people routinely arin, your scalp will be free from dandruff. So when you're wearing black, who's afraid?

6. Coughing blood

Coughing up blood is an indication something went wrong on the respiratory tract.The best way is to contact a wise doctor so that there is a further examination of what actually happened. But if it is not possible to use those herbs recipe aring as an alternative. take 60 grams of ecliptic alba are crushed and then the water is fresh squeezed. extract of water brewed with warm water, then drink.

7. Vomiting blood

One of the benefits of those herbs aring this stopped the bleeding (hemostatic). To resolve it, 120 grams of freshly crushed herbs, water extract plus urine small children to taste, stirring after that and drink. For this one, you should think first before trying it. Especially for a Muslim because of the urine small children including unclean. 



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