Benefits Of Rose For Health And Beauty

The roses that have a latin name Rosa canina was ornamental plants that produce flowers with colorful. Dunno since when roses are often used as the symbol of love. Especially red roses. In Indonesia alone rose used for various purposes ranging from ornamental flowers, flowers or flower table sawing.

However, behind the beauty of the color of the Roses turned out to have benefits for the world of health and beauty. For the world of beauty, roses often used as ingredients for facials, skin, and hair. While in the world of health, the Rose was used as a cure for some disease such as lowering cholesterol, prevent heart disease, alleviate flu symptoms, diarrhea, and urinary tract infections.

Get Rid Of Acne
Rose water is a natural cleaning ingredient rich in antioxidants and able to kill acne-causing bacteria. Wash your face with warm water that is already mixed with rose water.

Skin Care
Keep your skin's natural pH balance with rose water. Rose water can be balanced the production of sebum on the skin. It can be used both for oily skin or dry skin. Rose water was also able to resist a variety of skin diseases and eczema.

Hair Health
Rose water is good for the health of the hair because it comes with a natural damming can air. Simply pour a few drops of rose water while shampooing along with shampoo to create a fragrant aroma. Can also be used after shampooing, pour on the hair is still wet, and massage gently to help the growth of your hair. In addition, rose water can also address the inflammation in the scalp and eradicate dandruff, ok!

Eye Health
Tired eyes and dark circles under the eyes can be overcome with rose water. Rose water can also be used to overcome the eyes red and inflamed. Squirt 2-3 drops in the eye, and then close for a few minutes to clean the eye. Do routinely to avoid eye infections.

Well, that's the benefit of roses for the health of the body and is very useful in treating a variety of diseases that harm us to always live healthy traditionally experienced.


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