The Benefits And Efficacy Of Ginje For Health

Plant Family: Apocynaceae including ginje, Thevetia neriifolia pseudonyms like ex Steud, Cabrera Cabrera ThevetiaPeruvian, Lin and the Yellow oleander. The name of the region of ginje in the municipality of Ginje and Java in the Sunda Albizia saman.
Morphologi plant Ginje comes from America and includes shrubs, namely small tree branched, upright with a height of 2-5 meters. This plant contains a resin is white as milk and is highly toxic.


This plant is usually kept as an ornamental plant in the garden or on the roadside. Ginje belongs to the plant are toxic as they contain cardiac glycosides that have effects such as digitalis (medicine heart amplifier). Round stems, colored green, grayish with bulge-bulge former twigs and leaves that have been barred. Smells awful and are usually used for fish. Line-shaped leaves, stemmed, lanset short, spiky end with the base of the leaves are a bit crooked.

The upper leaf surface is green colored bottom are rather young, shiny, 8-15 cm long and 0.6-1.8 cm wide, the layout leaves accumulate mainly tanks on the twig. The trumpet-shaped flowers, tanks on the twigs, lies or dealing with leaves. Flowers yellow blooms are not in unison. Fruit, stone fruit, including colored and shiny green when ripe are black, gummy with a diameter of about 5 cm. large, one seed, and gray.

Chemical Content. The fruit contains a chemical: thevetin A, B, peruvoside,neriifolin, ruvoside (theveneriine), perusitin and cerberin. The seeds contain thevetin, cerberoside, theelin, ruvoside, theveneriin, peruvoside, the side, the vivid side, ver tia flavone, peruvoside 2-monoa state. The skin contains peruvoside, neriifolin, lupeol acetate, the vivid side. The root contains neriifolin, thevelene, and neriperside.Chemical properties and effects of the farm logic.

Ginje has a nutty taste, bitter, warm and very toxic. Beneficial to strengthen the heart (cardiotonic), can be used for urinary (diuretic), can eliminate swelling(swelling) and can be used to cure worms (anthelmintic).

The part that is used as medicine. Part of the plant that can be used are leaves, seeds, barkstem, and roots. The seeds are utilized when the fruit has ripened and then dried under the Sun.
Efficacy. Ginje can be useful for a variety of treatments including heart failure (cardiac failure) with a variety of its manifestations such as Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (with symptoms of heart pounding). Can be used to kill insects (insecticide) like flies, can be used as a febrifuge and can to cure inflammation at the edge of the nail.

Ways of utilization as drugs. Ginje plant is the plant poisonous, so it is not recommended to be used for drugs that are taken from fresh or dried ingredient because when overdosing will be dangerous. When will be used as a drug that is taken, should becreated to extract and is made in the form of tablets/injections containing the active ingredient neriperside that can be used to treat kidney failure caused by high bloodand coronary artery disease, pneumonia (pneumonia) in the berjantung child is weak, can delay heart rate on paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and fibrillation paroxymal antrial.

Things to note. Ginje poisoning symptoms namely disorders of the digestive system and the nervous system such as nausea, vomiting, no appetite, stomach aches, diarrhea, excessive drooling, lethargy, short of breath, headachesirregular pulse, dilated the pupil, cold fingers, comaheart rate stopped and died. The handling way of poisoning, by stimulating for vomiting, stomach wash (gastric lavage), laxative (given a washing stomach medicine), given the egg whites, vitamin Cdrink tea in large quantities or in ways other emergency aid.

The Disease Can Be Cured And Usage:

1. Heart failure (cardiac failure). such as Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (a racing symptoms), Atrial fibrillation (Foyer of the heart just vibrate because of fast heart rate).

2. Kill insects. (insecticide) like flies, maggots (maggots).

3. Inflammation at the edge of the nail (Paronychia). Fresh crushed leaves, dressed with honey, emblazoned the place hurts. Changed 2-3 times per day.

4. Lowering the heat, periodic Fever

5. Laxatives. The fresh leaves are approximately 5 grams, washed, boiled with 1 glass of water for 15 minutes, after cold filtered, drinking.

That's the benefit of ginje for the health of the body that is useful for treating a variety of diseases that harm our body by means of traditional natural medicine can treat the disease proved to be so that we always live healthy naturally.


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