8 Benefits Of Leaf Dragons For Health And Beauty

Leaf tail of the dragon has a number of health benefits, making it feasible to put in the medicinal plants. This plant does have glimpses of the leaves is similar to the shape of the tail of the Dragon. Behind the unique shape of the Dragon's tail, the leaves contribute to the world's herbal treatment. The leaves are efficacious for treating certain types of the disease, as well as useful for beauty treatments. 
leaf dragon

The latin name for the plant is the Dragon tail Rhaphidophora pinnata schott, which is classified in the family Araceae. Dragon tail plant has other names such as samblung. The Javanese called it jalu mampang, while the Sundanese people gave the name lolo she made.

The characteristics of the plant Stem plants dragons dragons grow with wrapped around or propagate, and reaches a height of about 15 cm. Stems have roots that hang in the air and can be attached. The leaves are large and wide, with a pointy tip. Dragon's tail-leaf content of essential minerals contained in leaf dragons including sodium, iron, and potassium. So that leaves the tail of the dragon has diuretic properties or as a set of urine.

8 Benefits Of Leaf Dragons For health and beauty, Leaf dragons can be used to address a variety of health disorders and certain diseases. Here is how to make a herbal potion of leaves using the tail of the Dragon: 

1. Treat anemia Leaves dragons contains an abundance of iron, which is needed in the process of the formation of red blood cells. By consuming leaf dragons on a regular basis, then the disease anemia can be treated. 

2. Viet Nam People treat coughs often use plants dragons as cough medicine, especially, and conjunctivitis. How to make it, take 3 pieces of leaves and Ginger Rhizome Dragon tail. With 300 ml of boiled water to 200 ml is left alone. Drinking water while still warm. 

3. Accelerate the recovery of injured iron dragons in the leaves is useful to speed up the process of recovery of the injured skin tissue. Drink of water decoction of leaves of this every day to get optimal results. 

4. Overcoming pain and swelling due to rheumatic Swellings and pain in joints is experienced by sufferers of rheumatism. To cope with these symptoms, make a decoction of the leaves of the tail of the Dragon. Boil some pieces of leaf dragons with water to taste, simmer for a while. Drink this solution with the routine until fully recovered. 

5. Help treat paralysis (paralysis) Viet Nam People use leaf dragons to overcome the paralysis on the part of the body. The trick is not difficult, it is enough to consume water obtained from the decoction of leaves. 

6. Strengthen the bones of essential minerals found in the leaves of the tail of the Dragon, it is useful to keep the strength of the bones. So effective for preventing bone porous (osteoporosis). 

7. Prevent Cancer and tumors-leaf dragons proved empirically, is able to prevent and fight off the abnormal cells cause cancer. The use of these leaves as anti-cancer, has long been known in Singapore. Enough with the brewing tea leaves as a drink. Learn about: 5 types of skin cancer and how to prevent it. The benefits of Leaf Dragons for beauty Skin.

8. Addressing the skin inflammation Leaves dragons are able to cope with various infections and inflammation of the skin, such as ringworm, rashes, boils, and water fleas. How, iris-iris leaf dragons then mashed until pulverized. Apply on the skin that is problematic. Leave it on for 15 minutes, before rinsing with clean water. Do these treatments every day for optimum results.

The benefits of other dragons leaves unique Leaf is also often used to treat several health disorders, such as hoarseness, acne, and as dirty blood purifier.

Well, that's 8 the benefits and usefulness of health Dragon tail to leaves. You may call it by another name?


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