Benefits Of Almond For Health

The almond is important to the health of the various, and drank, because he may be eaten raw, steamed as forage or made of mixed materials such as various foods and so on. Almonds contain 20 times more protein when compared with other cereal. The fat content and high carbohydrate, therefore, it contains sugars that high compared to other fruits.


Almond Benefits

The content of vitamin B in the almond overcome vitamin that in respect of eggs, as well as niacin which have exceeded the wheat. Calcium deposits also address the content of that element in milk and phosphorus content exceeds the content of phosphorus in cheese. Very kindergarten appropriate eating almonds because of their enlargement can help, which, in addition, to building bones and teeth. While to the adults, he can help the health of the heart.

Reduce Cholesterol Levels, high blood Risk Degrading and heart attacks
One study performed at the University of Toronto to top 27 patient who had high cholesterol levels should indicate the uptake ratio 74gm (2 handhelds) almonds every day over the past month has succeeded in lowering cholesterol levels than the 9.4%in their bodies. The ratio of LDL (bad cholesterol)/HDL (good cholesterol) was found to be decreased by as much as 12%. The decline in this ratio shows a decrease in the risk of heart attack (cardiovascular).

Acid folic in almond is believed to be lower homocysteine levels, which is a type of amino acid can cause the blood to become narrower channels; with it also reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood. 34.5 gm badam (handful) contains the 99mg magnesium (24.7% of daily needs) as well as 257mg potassium (potassium).
Magnesium acting softens blood channels and with that stream of blood, oxygen and nutrient in the body run with. The study shows a lack of magnesium may not only lead to a heart attack, but a shortage of magnesium after a heart attack may cause damaging (free radicals) on the heart.
Potassium is important for nerve transmission and muscle systems. He is very important in the control of blood pressure and the heart's journey. The control of blood pressure and heart become more memorable with almonds because of its low sodium content (only 0.3 mg for every cup of almonds).

Alleviates Diabetes
In a study which has been broadcast in The Journal of Nutrition, almonds were added to the diet of a group of people with the diabetes-2nd stage.
The decision shows the test diet with almond has lower glycemic response and insulin response. A collection that took the diet along with almond showed a decrease of relying on a drug.

Help Prevent Rocks
Research and data collection to the top women for 20 years by ' Nurses ' Health Study ' shows women who eat at least 1 oz (30gm) forage or butter beans in a week has decreased 25% risk of coral.

Prevent Osteoporosis
Almond also said can prevent osteoporosis. 30gm badam (25-30 seeds) has the same calcium content as there is of the 1/4 cup of the milk. Calcium is very useful for preventing osteoporosis.

Pregnant Women
AlmondnutsKandungan folate in the almond is very useful for women who are pregnant. Folate is essential for eluding of disability on a baby while pregnant.

Well, that's the almond benefits for the health of the body that are useful in treating some diseases as noted above in the traditional way. Hopefully useful make all and congratulations to try it at home.


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