Benefits Of Radish Leaves For The Health Of The Body

Radish leaves are food ingredients commonly consumed by people in Indonesia. Radish leaves contain the energy of 30 kilocalories, 2.3-gram protein, carbs, fats 5.8 g 0.4 grams, 140 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus, 33 milligrams and 4 milligrams iron. In addition in radish leaves also contained as many as 1000 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 0.07 milligrams of vitamin C 109 milligrams. The results gained from doing research on 100 grams of radish leaves, with the amount that can be eaten as much as 70%.

Radish Leaves

The Disease Can Be Cured And Usage:

Reduce the effects of premenstrual syndrome

Folic acid in it can actively relieve the effects of premenstrual syndrome or better known as PMS, this syndrome occurs before the enter menstruation and attacked almost all women.

Launch of digestion

Radishes are rich in fiber which is good for waging the digestive system. Fiber is also powerful in addressing the problem of chronic constipation and can prevent heart disease in a person.

Prevent premature aging

Vegetable radish contains a lot of vitamin C is good for skin health, this vitamin makes the skin look younger. By consuming these vegetables regularly can help the body repair damaged skin cells.

Prevent anemia

Pregnant women particularly vulnerable with the disorder anemia along her pregnancy. RNA content that exists in these vegetables provides many advantages in pregnant women.

Good for the skin, hair and eyes

Consumption of radish good for keeping beauty. Daikon helps keep the skin remains smooth. Plant tuber is also improving the health of the hair. Vitamin A in it help maintain eye health.

Radish leaves prevent wrinkles

Not just the roots or just won't be matter, radish leaves are also useful for health. Radish leaves known in removing wrinkles on the feet. Submerge the walk on water containing radish leaves for a long time known to remove wrinkles on the feet.

Prevent the occurrence of muscle spasms

The muscles of the body require potassium in appropriate amounts to maintain health and muscle strength. Without this compound, the muscle will be weakened and prone to seizures.

Removing toxins

Antioxidants in it can make the body in removing toxins all harmful toxins. In addition, can be used to cleanse the body of any toxins, horseradish is also beneficial for waging a blood circulation.

Reduce joint pain

Horseradish contains vitamin K good for maintaining bone health, vitamin K is needed to support the growth of body cells and relieves pain in the joints.

Reduces the risk of defects in babies

Pregnant women who consume turnips every day during her pregnancy can minimize the risk of occurrence of defects in newborn babies will be born later.

It's her best friend details about the benefits of radish leaves for health that are efficacious for treating various diseases which are highly detrimental to our body so that we always keep and prevent our health from the disease.


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