Benefits Of Broken Bones Leaf For Health

Broken bones (Euphorbia tirucalli) is one of the types of plants and herbs are usually used as ornamental plants. The plant's broken bones that we can take advantage of as a treatment is rootsstems, twigs, and wood resin. Efficacy of plant health for fractures, such as roots and twigs can be to cure stomach aches, rheumatism, bone pain, syphilis, hemorrhoidsUlcer of the nasal cavity and nerve pain. While the wooden rods can heal several skin diseases, leprosy (morbus hansen), legs and hands of bad.
efficacy of plant fractures.

Broken Bones Leaf

How to use broken bones as traditional medicine certainly should follow some processes as well as another example of this herbal plant soursop leaves that also hUntarus processed in advance in order to cure the disease.

The following are some of the ways the use of plants for treating fractures of the disease:

The skin is pricked by a thorn or broken glass

Parts of the body or skin pierced thorns or glass we grease with SAP SAP of fractures, broken bones can pull out thorns or glass by itself.

Calluses (clavus) and Warts

Take 1/2 kg of branches and twigs broke bones. After being washed clean boiled with 4 liters of water until the water is reduced to 2 liters. Parts of the body or skin that is experiencing warts or calluses are soaked in the decoction of water fractures earlier in warm for approximately 1/2 hour. After it is dried apply param made from the trust which has been finely crushed mixed egg white and then bandaged.

Broken bones (fractures)

For those of you who suffered broken bones (fractures) can use a few different ways, namely:
A broken bone above the skin the sandbar with a SAP of broken bones.
The outer skin of the limb fractures grinded smooth, paste the above a broken bone, and then bandaged.
3/4 handheld stalk and leaves broken bones, 1 handheld srigi leaves, washed and then grinded smooth. Squeeze with 4 spoons of salt water, warmed briefly. Used to dab a broken body part, then wrapped with leaves of daffodils/skin randu. Replaced 2 x a day

Rambus disease

Prepare 1/2 handheld fractures, 1/2 Chinese gadung fist, washed and then we mash until smooth. Toss with 1 scoop of kendondong fruit SAP and two tablespoons of the SAP of the fruit of the papaya. This herb we use for knowest or dab the skin that hurts. Do it twice a day.

Large Mole remedies and Itchy

Moles we rub with lemon juice, then with cotton tape lubricated with SAP fractures. Do this therapy many times a day, when it is dry is repeated. Caution do not get exposed to the eye.


Take a few drops of gum bone fractures with cotton that is clean, then we dab the tooth that hurts and perforated. Did in therapy 1-2 times a day, carefully lest about healthy teeth.

That's a benefit to the health of fracture leaves the body you should know as a nutritious natural medicine to treat a variety of diseases that affect us.


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