Benefits Dollar Leaves For The Health

The latin name of the plant, known as the plant is a Zamioculcas zamifolia dollars. Comes from the African continent, in countries of Kenya, Tanzaniaand the Zanzibar.These plants include plants that don't need much water. In its natural habitat, Zamioculcas living in the arid grasslands with rocky soil. The original nature of these makes this plant is no hassle in her treatment.

Dollar Leaves

Benefits Dollar Leaf

Zamiocurcas is a plant import introduced in Asia around 1996. Although actually in Asia itself there are already local types i.e. Zamia zamiifolia. The difference is the type of local growing faster and is often planted in gardens because more friendly with sunlight compared to Zamiocurcas this type of import.

This dollar plants we know with plants or leaves of Java. However, this plant is a type of plant that originally came from Africa, specifically Kenya. Usually, these plants live and live in a location that has a rocky contour and also arid grasslands, so no hassle in terms of treatment.

The following are some of the benefits the dollar plants:

Can treat and reduce symptoms of digestive disorders such as diarrhea and ambient

The first benefits of the plants or leaves the dollar is to help cure diseases and diarrhea may also help relieve symptoms ambient experienced by patients. To be able to take advantage of this, then you can use the stems from the leaves of this dollar for treating the symptoms  symptoms of this The following are some of the events and also the steps-steps that you can do:

Take approximately 15 grams of stem leaves dollar
Clean, wash and then boiled with about 2 cups of water to a boil
Let cool, then strain the water boiled off water results
Drinking the decoction of results the past two times a day

This will help you to relieve symptoms and help heal ambient that is in your body.

Can neutralize free radicals, because it has the contents of flavonoids and polyphenols also

It turns out that benefits dollar leaves or plant are known as Java are also very good as one leaves that are able to ward off free radicals. This is because this is a kind of dollar leaves the plant to contain flavonoids and polyphenols that are too high, making it very useful as a plant that can ward off free radicals.

As we know, free radicals are one cause of the health problems of taro in the human body. Therefore, the existence of this dollar leaves, then you can avoid the appearance of symptoms and also health disorder that can harm you.

Is it harmful to the health dollar leaves?

Some of this time, exactly at the beginning of the year 2016 a chain message appears about the dollar or dollar plant leaves are toxic and can be dangerous to the human body. This is due to that the plants or leaves the dollar may cause human leukemia experience, even cause the appearance of cancer. Whether the news is true?

The news is the news turned out to be a hoax, aka a hoax. Consume plant leaves this dollar or dollar will not cause someone experiencing cancer and also leukemia. the fact that in essence, it is a dollar plant the types of plants that contain flavonoids and polyphenols content also, break it.

The interesting part of Zamioculcas zamifolia or this dollar tree leaves which have characteristic i.e. leaves growing along the stem is aligned with the distance that is a bit far from one leaf to another leaf. This is one reason why it is called the tree of the dollar. Leaves thick, symmetrical shape because it contains a lot of water, dark green shiny leaves. The number of leaves that grows not much. Another attraction is the base of the stem which can be enlarged so that the form of the unique. Please note that trees, Zamia has advantages for adaptation against air temperature so that it is able to live in the tropics to sub-tropical.

That's what I tell them about the benefits of a healthy dollar leaves for health body that is capable of preventing simultaneously treating different types of diseases that can harm our health.


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