Benefits The Benefits Of Alfalfa Leaf For The Health Of The Body

Alfalfa is rich in various nutrients. Klorofilnya content is very high so that many plant leaves are believed could cure a variety of diseases, ranging from flatulence to cancer.

Since the 6th century, alfalfa (Medicago sativa) has been used by the Chinese to treat kidney stones and bloating. Alfalfa is also believed to cure various kinds of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. In Europe, the alfalfa is known as a "folk medicine" that is very good to improve the piss.

Alfalfa Leaf

From where we prove that alfalfa is derived from the Islamic world? The easiest way is from the side of the language! Because of Islamic civilization which grew almost 8 centuries in Spain, then an awful lot of words or names derived from Islam — including alfalfa!. Keith Millier an American Middle East expert writing in his "Arabic Words in English" (miller worlds). that alfalfa stems from al-finfish, which means "fresh fodder" or the feed fresh.

Alfalfa is a legume crop grown in various climate conditions, with the ability of adaptation is quite good, so scattered in various parts of the world. The United States is the largest alfalfa producer to this day. Alfalfa comes from Iran. Arab society refers to him as "Mr. food". The spread of these plants to various parts of the world allegedly occurred in the bronze age. In the old days used as feed the horse army of Persians. The species itself is estimated to pass through the Central Asian region.

The United States began to recognize alfalfa around the year 1860, a native of Chile. At the beginning of this plant is used as fodder cows, sheep, horses, and goats. Alfalfa is the high value of its nutrition value as livestock feed. As in the type of plant nuts more, at the root of alfalfa Rhizobium bacteria, there are capable of vaccination (binding) of nitrogen. It's what makes alfalfa can be used as animal feed with a high protein content, depending on the availability of nitrogen in the soil.

Another advantage compared to other livestock feed crop is having the highest yield. In addition to being used as livestock feed, alfalfa also consumed a man, especially the leaves. The study has been carried out extensively against alfalfa. All parts of this plant contain components that are functional to the body, such as saponins, flavonoids, sterols, coumarin, alkaloids, vitamins, amino acids, sugars, proteins, minerals, and other nutritional components. Also, contains fiber (dietary fiber) in terms of quite a lot and can serve as an anticholesterol.

Alfalfa is known as one of the plants with very high nutrient content. The content of calcium, chlorophyll, carotene, and vitamin K which is high, making the alfalfa as one supplement often consumed mankind. Saponins in a root of alfalfa can inhibit the increase in cholesterol in the blood of experimental animals fed a high cholesterol feeding (by 25 percent). Unfortunately, saponins also have negative effects in nature, i.e., hemolytic and can interfere with the metabolism of vitamin E.

Another advantage of alfalfa is having the content of vitamins and minerals is quite complete. The vitamins contained in alfalfa are vitamin A, thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, and folic acid. The leading minerals, namely calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc.

Benefits Of Alfalfa Leaf:

  1. Alfalfa useful control blood cholesterol by removing bad cholesterol from the body. In addition, this plant is able to prevent the formation of plaque in artery walls so as to reduce the chances of heart disease and stroke.
  2. Alfalfa is capable of lowering blood sugar levels. The herb is often recommended for people with diabetes, especially for those who do not respond to insulin.
  3. Diuretic properties of alfalfa effectively remove water retention in the body thus preventing edema.
  4. This plant is also useful reduces symptoms of menopause because the most substance in alfalfa acts like estrogen.
  5. Alfalfa is also effective in treating asthma and other respiratory problems.

This plant can be used to treat digestive disorders and for detoxification. Alfalfa is believed to have also effectively reduced joint stiffness and muscle pain.

That's what I explained about the benefits of alfalfa leaf for the health of the body that you need to know as folk remedies that are capable of treating different types of disease as written above so that you're always alert to the disease and trying to prevent them we always healthy.


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