The Content And Benefits Of Celery Leaves For Health

Celery leaves have become the best friend of housewives as one of the vegetables to supplement the aroma cuisine or more specifically are often used as flavoring the vegetable soup. The content of vitamin on the leaves is able to survive up to 80% after it is cooked. But behind that turns the leaves which are often referred to as the leaf sopor his latin in the language of Apium graveolens has many benefits that may not have been well known by most people.
celery leaves

Celery leaves contain many vitamins i.e. vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin Cvitamin E and vitamin K which can be used to prevent or to treat some diseases. The nutrient content contained on these leaves can be used for disease prevention by means of consumption in the form of vegetable.

Here are the benefits of celery leaves for health and diseases that can be prevented by consuming leaves soap:

  • Increase immune
  • The content of multivitamins in celery leaves function as antioxidants are able to augment the immune ...
  • Calms the nerves
  • the high content of calcium contained in these leaves in trust was able to calm the nerves.
  • Assist in the repair of the gear.
  • Prevent kidney disease,
  • Strengthens liver function,
  • Launched blood circulation
  • Increase appetite
  • To prevent constipation,
  • Prevent asthma,
  • Lower blood pressure,
  • Preventing anemia,
  • Prevent obesity
  • Help maintain the suppleness of muscle activity.
  • Slow the aging process early

In addition to the above such as disease prevention, celery is also capable of treating several ailments such as cold, nausea, diarrhea, high blood pressurevertigo, rheumatismgout, allergies, coughs etc. In addition, can be consumed directly in from vegetable, celery leaves also can be processed to treat specific diseases
Here are the various ways to cultivate celery leaves that can be used to cure disease:

The Benefits Of Celery Leaves For Health 

1. excess weight loss/obesity
Though celery leaves into the juice, drink it before eating. Doing it this way on a regular basis until the ideal weight is realized.

2. Treating rheumatism
To treat this disease, celery leaves can be used as vegetables regularly. Certainly, celery leaves should be in is clean and fresh.

3. Lowers high blood pressure
To treat this disease the trick is to prepare celery leaves at once the same stems and roots are more or less 100 g, this herb to wash clean in puree to keep smooth. Add 100 ml water, then cook the herb up to mature. Drink this concoction 2 x a day

4. To relieve a cough
Prepare the celery root and stem is complete with the still-fresh and still fresh, cut into pieces to be a form of seasoning. Add 3 cups of water to white and then cooked until it boils. Saringlah the water and leave to cool, then add honey to taste. Drink Herb the morning and afternoon or according to needs.

5. Treat dry eye
Prepare celery leaves, spinach leaves and leaf fresh kelor, approximately 1/3 of the hand-held, wash to clean, Mashed until smooth concoction we already prepare those and don't forget the mixed with a little salt. Add a little-boiled water to approximately 1/3 cup, Stir-stir, then strains and take water. Drinking water the juice of 3 x a day

That's the benefit of celery leaves as a flavoring and medicinal herbs, the way which may be used as an alternative medicine to prevent and treat the disease. But the simplest is to consume the leaves of celery in vegetable form so that it can be enjoyed by the family.


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