Benefits Of Palm Fruit For The Health

Once you know what are the nutrient content contained on dates, now let's continue with the discussion of the engenai benefit of the fruit of the date palm to human health. This important and please read the tub-good.

1. Prevent rheumatism

Who would have thought when the fruit that comes from the Middle East it had the ability to prevent the occurrence of arthritis? This is because the fruit contains a lot of minerals dates that are important for health especially bone and muscle. Packed 15 fruit dates every day can meet the needs of the body will be essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and boron.

2. the best Fibers to the gut

Intestines working constantly to be cleared from the leftovers so that its performance is optimum returns. And the remains of food stuck on the wall of the intestine does not cause disease. Fiber is one of the substances that are functioning colon cleanse. Dates contain soluble fiber in the form of pectin that is more than any other fruit. In addition, the fiber found in immature fruit also serves as a prebiotik that supports the growth of good bacteria that is desperately needed by the digestive system.

3. Prevent brain cancer

Fruit dates contain a fairly high mineral and rich. Include magnesium, sulfur, potassium, calcium and boron which works also for the prevention of brain cancer. By consuming 15 grain dates every day, you've been able to meet the needs of up to 80% of magnesium and sulfur requirement of 70%.

4. As an source of energy

Besides being a good source of fiber, the date palm is also an effective energy source. By consuming 100 grams of fresh Palm fruit you can meet daily energy needs up to 12 to 15 percent. If you consume the dried dates, content antioksidannya be reduced. The date palm is a source of instant energy, so the good is consumed by the person at the time of breaking the fast.

5. Sources of antioxidants

As already mentioned above, the date palm is a very good source of antioxidants. Where the functions of its own antioxidants protect the body from free radicals that may cause cancer. Indirectly, consume the fruit of the date palm also help yourself avoid the risk of various cancers. Phytochemical substances contained on dates between other polyphenols, sterols, tannins, and carotene.

6. Treat dengue fever

A study showed that consuming the fruit of the date palm can help increase the number of platelets in patients of dengue sufferers. The percentage increased levels of platelets with the giving of a sari dates was 23.90% per day, while increased levels of platelets without cider consumption of dates is 8.09% per day. Sari Palm content suspected of contributing to the increase of the production of platelets is a number of carbohydrates such as mannose, Galactose, arabinosa, and xilosa as the constituents of granules of platelets. Read also the article how to treat dengue fever.

7. Maintain heart health

The date palm is the fruit of the yahng rich potassium content. As we know one of the functions of potassium is maintaining the health of the heart and blood vessels as it can stabilize the heart rate, activating muscle contractions-heart muscle, and regulates blood pressure.

8. To prevent the risk of stroke

Stroke risk may be reduced by up to 40% by way of consuming as much potassium 400 mg/100 g per day. Potassium needs can be met by consuming at least 5 butih wet dates per day. If you want to get more fruit juices could consume the dates that are currently circulating in the market. However, make sure its authenticity by buying in places that are trusted and can be dipertanggunjawabkan.

9. Launch digestion

Already discussed earlier on the top. Dates contain soluble fiber in fruit ripening and fiber does not dissolve in the fruit that has not been cooked. If the fiber larutnya function cleans the digestive tract, then the fiber does not dissolve this bertugan as supporters of the development of prebiotik both indispensable for cleaning the digestive system that impacted the jga lancarnya the process of defecation (chapter).

10. Safe for sufferers of hypertension

Some are asking whether the fruits of the date palm is safe for sufferers of high blood pressure or hypertension? Please note that the dates are also low sodium but high in potassium which amount increase over the level of ripeness until suitable consumed by sufferers of hypertension.

11. Mecegah anemia

Anemia or blood less often experienced by women let alone that is in gestation. These dates are then good if consumed by pregnant women? Of course. Even the fruit of the date palm have the ability to prevent anemia. The content of iron and calcium on the dates was instrumental in the formation of red blood cells. In addition askorbatnya acid content is also good to keep the availability of iron in the body so that the process of the production of hemoglobin can take place properly. That's the wrong sat


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