Benefits Of Tuna Fish For Child Development

Tuna fish known as the intake of foods containing omega 3. Omega 3 has its own components that are essential for the body such as DHA, EPA and LNA. DHA and EPA are found in fish, while the LNA in plants. Well, in the form of DHA omega 3 found in Tuna fish can be beneficial to a child's brain development.
Tuna Fish

The benefits of such a huge tuna should not be in the waste. So you better sure please note the benefits of tuna fish for child development below.

1. Making a comeback
Based on a study published in the Journal Pediatrics in 2003 said that prospective mothers who consume omega 3 supplement intake during pregnancy and lactation turns out to have a baby with cognitive ability is higher when the child reaches the age of 4 years. Other than that based on other studies conducted in the year 2005 result known to school children who consume omega 3 shows increase in reading skills.

2. Improve the Focus
Based on another study found that mothers who had higher DHA levels in the blood when giving birth, it could maintain a focus on objects that are better than the toddler whose mother has low DHA levels.

3. being able to improve vision
The content of DHA contained in Tuna fish have a role for the formation of the retina of the eye. Children who consume enough DHA turns out to have sharper eyesight than not. Hence it is advisable for mothers to give tuna on their children in order to optimize the function of the retina.

4. Enhance Immunity
DHA is able to help improve the immune system. Based on a study, babies who consume formula milk supplemented with fish oil, has an immune function are better compared to the toddler who just drink cow's milk or infant formula alone.

5. Prevent Eczema

Based on a study in Sweden showed that Omega-3 may reduce inflammation throughout the body, including the skin. In addition this tuna can help children protected from the risk of allergy.


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