Benefits of Banana Ambon for the health

Banana are the traditional food that is always decorated the dining table. Banana fruit has always been food oentup dish, because it tastes sweet and refreshing, so this food is preferred by many people. Even in the event a party is often banana fruit hung ditenda-tenda as a fruit dessert for those who just finished eating.


Benefits of Banana Ambon for the health of the body include:

1. Energy sources
Benefits of banana as an energy source is already commonplace known, which is why bananas are very good eaten when it has work or when the rest of the job. Banana ambon is a contributor of calories your body needs in performing the body metabolism. In 100 grams of banana ambon provide calories as much as 99kkal. Indeed this is not much, but it has been very good in relieving hunger and provide energy for the body.

2. provide folic acid
Benefits of pisang ambon for the health of pregnant women is urgent, because the banana provides lots of folic acid. While this substance is folic acid important for pregnant women to a fetus. Pregnant women cannot be denied need folic acid, because brain development of fetuses and tulangbelakangnya in dire need of folic acid. Then consume banana ambon for pregnant women is encouraged for insufficient folic acid in the body.

The baby shortage of folic acid can also result in various health problems especially the brain, spinal cord, paralysis, the risk of miscarriage, so for those of you who are pregnant should not forget folic acid and folic acid is one of the sources is bananas.

3. Treat less blood/anemia
Less blood or anemia is one of the symptoms of health disorders that are characterized by lethargy, puocat etc. A lack of red blood cells or the presence of red blood cells is below normal can form a dangerous person. Then the benefits of banana ambon for health is to provide additional supplies of iron nutrients to increase red blood cells in the body. So, bananas are inclusive of food which contributed iron for the body in addition to the cassava leaves and spinach leaves.

4. Overcoming stomach disorders
Benefits of banana ambon for further health is overcoming stomach disorders. A stomach unpalatable as they are painful or there is inflammation can be corrected with banana ambon. For those having problems with intestinal or stomach should consume banana ambion with milk that is made in the form of juice. Banana juice drink it regularly every day, this banana can neutralize stomach acid, and stomach settles.

5. Treating diseases of the liver
This is the benefit of banana ambon for minority health. Liver disease is a disease with liver disorders which if disregarded could bring on chronic problem even threatened the body. banana ambon is one of good healthy food to address the problem of liver or liver function.

For those who are experiencing liver disorders in recommend to consume fruit as much as 2 banana ambon fruit a day and added 1 tablespoon of honey. It is believed can increase your appetite and give you the stamina for patients with liver.

6. Lower the risk of diabetes
Banana ambon with the sweet taste can help control blood sugar and overcoming diabetes. Sugar levels that exist in the banana is easily absorbed and used as energy for the body.

7. the weight loss benefits of banana
Banana ambon benefits for weight loss is known because of the many complex carbohydrates in pisang ambon could keep sugar in the blood. This CARB does not increase the levels of glucose in the blood so that so that it is safe for consumption. Sense of fullness will quickly feel and makes you no longer hooked with rice or heavy foods.

Here are some benefits of banana ambon for the health of the body which must be known so that we can use this as the banana family healthy food. Not only sweet but also the benefits and usefulness for health that exist in this banana is much more important to make plantain mince as dessert dishes.


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