Health Benefits Of Fruit Arbei

Benefits of Fruit  Fruit Arbei Arbei very rarely we consume, when in fact this fruit has many benefits for your health. The fruit is a latin name Fragaria Vesca or also known as alpine Strawberry (Strawberry). Judging as clever as this fruit is indeed similar to strawberries, because it has a red color but has a relatively smaller size.


Then what the hell contained in fruit Arbei? based on data from list of the composition of the Foodstuffs (DKBM), every 100 grams arbei contained as many as 37 energy kcal, protein 0.5 g fat, 0.5 mg, carbohydrate 8.3 g, 30 mcg of folic acid, calcium, phosphorus 28mg 27 mg, Fe 0.8 mg, vitamin A 60 SI, 0.0003 mg vitamin B1, and water 262.96 g.
In addition to the above content, there are still other content in fruit arbei i.e. Saponins i.e. glycosides in general are in the tubuhan, Favonoida (Silymarin) is a chemical compound that can treat diseases of the heart, there are also antioxidants and polyphenols to have anti-bacterial as well as vitamin c.

Efficacy and benefits of the fruit Arbei

Contents owned by fruit that turns out to have benefits arbei very much for health.Well, the following benefits for health.

  • For treating canker sores, how arbei 10 grams fresh fruit washed, and then eaten at once.
  • Able to help fight cancer, due to the womb antioksidannya
  • Treating gastritis. to treat ulcers is enough to make fruit juice is becoming arbei
  • Help against typhoid
  • Relieve the symptoms of diarrhea

This is a fruit that ArBei lot contains antioxidants (vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E also). The content makes it important to keep the immune system because it can neutralize the free radicals that often cause disorders in the body. Arbei fruit can also protect the body from infection.
Arbei fruit as well as a source of energy for the body because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. The amount of vitamin C found in it as much as 60 mg so that equates to your daily needs. Apart from that though high vitamin C, Arbei has no side effectsfor the stomach.


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