Cranberry Fruit For Health Benefits

During this you already know the taste of this fruit and processing into food is delicious, but did you ever find out the benefits of cranberry for health?

The following will be described in detail about the benefits of cranberry fruit that is often used as a skin care ingredient or maintain body health, including the effects of treatment based on the results of research or discussion in the world of medicine.


1. Treat wounds exposed to the arrows
According to the ancestors of the ancient Indian tribes, cranberry fruit is an ancestral heritage which deliberately presented to help treat injuries due to the embedded arrow. The truth is not yet known for sure because now it's virtually no disagreement that use traditional weapons.

2. Made a cake and sauce ingredients
A few years ago, 1680, a resident of New Jersey bernama Mahlon Stacy, cranberry fruit provide a picture on his brother based in United Kingdom. He wrote a sentence on the image that describes in brief about the cranberry fruit, including its function as a delicious sauce ingredients to eat venison, Turkey, as well as other large birds.

Himself also said on her brother through these images that can be added to Cranberry fruit in the ingredients of the cake maker, flavored cake made from this fruit is more tasty than a gooseberry or cherry. Ceritapun continues to preach that he claimed to obtain this fruit by means of asking the Indians brought an awful lot of this fruit to his home.

3. food preservatives
In America, the native people who lived a long time often utilise elements of the preservative of cranberry. The regular food is preserved meat or dried fish they name the pemmican. The food made by mixing fruit Cranberry which was later crushed, rounded, and dried.

Pemmican is capable of surviving for a long winter because the protein content and a balanced his retrieved from pemmican. Actually, that makes durable pemmican is a vitamin C and pectin that is high on the cranberry.

Typically, the native Americans preserve Cranberry with the help of pemmican was the crew of the ship were vulnerable to diseases caused by lack of skorbut or vitamin C deficiency with symptoms of bleeding in the gums, skin, and intestines. Before they set sail, they usually buy bertong-fruit Cranberry barrels for food supplies during their long journey.

4. Prevent infection of the wound
Still known to the success of this fruit in wound healing. Indians have long been wearing the cranberry to prevent blood poisoning due to injuries. Usage is quite simple, they only need to blend the cranberry fruit collision with corn flour which is then affixed above the wound.

5. Help acquire ideal body weight
Diet phenomenon is never depleted discussed up to now or later, but you should also know that a lot of people who are eager to get their ideal body weight.

When you include, try low-calorie food consumption such as Cranberry. Cranberry fruit consumption increased with each day, gradually you will acquire ideal body weight as desirable.

6. Reduce the risk of urinary tract infection
Health disorders is unknown, especially in men who are more likely to experience it. Doctors often reminded that this disease can invite malapekata when not handling right. Such as the infection can spread to damage the kidneys.

A lot of effort to lower the disease, such as Cranberry fruit consumption. In the body, the compounds contained in Cranberry will be discharged and allowed to work to destroy micro-organisms cause infections and urinary salran and destroy the bacteria lodged in the kidneys or bladder.

7. Prevent the rate of tumor growth
Tumor growth at some point in the body can cause organ damage, such as in the lung, breast, and prostate. No one knows when the tumor would grow in the body. Therefore, good conduct precautionary measures to make sure the tumor doesn't grow. You can consume a cranberry fruit according to experts can prevent tumor growth rate because it is rich in polyphenols compounds.


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