6 Benefits of the Apple Fuji for health

Benefits of apples for health will not be depleted-depleted were discussed. One is the Apple fuji. Apples originated in Japan and since the 1930 's apples have been developed in Japan, fuji apples but now it has been very well known in some countries including the United States. One of the many cultivating apples fuji is China, CHina including fuji Apple earnings of the country with the largest in the world.

Fuji apples have a pink color, it was a very tasty and sweet makes this Apple attraction very popular many people. Same with other apples in General, fuji apples also keep many benefits for the health of the body.

Fuji Apples health benefits

1. Brighten dull face
Fuji apples are not only utilized the flesh of the fruit, but also utilized the skin of the fruit. The skin of the Apple is very much known to contain anti oxidants that would fix the skin and mecerahkan the skin. One of them is brighten dull skin. Caranyua by peeling apples fuji, then grab a skin in and blend until smooth, and apply evenly on face as makser. Use this mask regularly for a week, and see what happens.

2. Prevent diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that's scary, because it could eliminate the body's immunity against the disease. The benefits of the Apple fuji prevents diabetes. The content of fructose in fuji apples became important because the substances are able to slowly absorbed by the body and consequently the levels of sugar in the blood will decrease.

3. Prevent Cancer penbyakit
The benefits of the Apple fuji to prevent cancer. Content of anti-oxidants (flavanoid) which is high in Apple fuji makes young red fruit is beneficial to overcome and prevent the occurrence of free radicals that damage the skin. In addition, aple fuji also prevents cancer, like skin cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer and others.

4. Prevent heart disease
Fuji apples are useful for preventing heart disease, the content of an anti oxidant da querciten in fuji apples became the main reason why the sick heart must consume apples.

5. Increase the body's immune
The immune be increased with often consume apples fuji, it is also inseparable from the content of anti oxidants in fuji apples. Consuming apples regularly will increase fuji's immune against various diseases, vitamin C in fuji apples are also very good for the health of the body.

6. Lower the cholesterol in the body
Natural fiber in apples fuji fuji apples made as the fruit is consumed for lower cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol and fat evil will come into being swept along with the stool, here's the importance of the natural fiber in the food and one of the foods that contain these natural fibers is Apple fuji.

Here's some of the benefits of the Apple fuji for the health of the body. To get a nice and good health, is expected to consume the fuji apples regularly one fruit in a day. May be useful.


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