The Benefits Of Noni Fruit For Health

The benefits of noni fruit that is one of the original fruit from southeast asia. The shape of the fruit that is spotted and somewhat tapering it save benefits for our bodies. But some people don't like the fruity aroma of this one. Noni fruit usually can be made as Rujak and juice. For those who don't like fruit that many benefits this is a good idea to research more deeply about this one fruit. Experts examine whether a fruit that can be used as a cure for cancer as well as prostate cancer. Really excellent fruit on this one although it smells unpleasant but it is useful for us. But worldwide, there are more than 80 types of noni and that can be in the consumption of only 20 types only. The rest contains toxins that when consumed the body will be bad.

The benefits of Noni Fruit for health among others :

1) Curing jaundice

Early symptoms of jaundice is the limp, wrinkled, yellowing, and decrease in body weight. Researchers reveal that noni fruit could cure jaundice. Step stride as follows
  • Prepare 2 noni which is ripe
  • Noni fruit Puree and ΓΈ in squeeze
  • add honey on the noni juice
  • mix until evenly
  • drink 3 times a day

2 scaly skin Smoothing)

Women for women who wanted her skin looks clean, smooth and moist fruit noni can be a natural remedy. The way is
  • Peel 2 fruit noni
  • Cut fruit noni in large
  • Apply noni fruit flesh on the skin is scaly or dry
  • let stand for approximately 10 minutes
  • the smeared parts Rinse with warm water
  • do with regularly in order to obtain maximum results

3) Heal sick ambeyen

The last already described, the leaves and fruit of noni myriad benefits and improved one for ambeyen disease. How to make it IE
  • Boiled fruit and noni leaf with 2 glasses of water
  • After boiled, reserving it only for 1 glass only
  • the boiled water on a regular basis
  • whether it's Fruit can also relieve the disease ambeyen as there is fiber so that the digestive system is to be smooth and free from constipation

4) to treat the infection

With antibacterial substances that exist in the substances causing the noni fruit can fight bacteria that exist in the body and protects the body from infection. In addition to killing bacteria in the body, a substance that can control the bacteria that exists in our body.

5) as a remedy gout

Pain gout do not disepelekan because the uric acid can cause diseases such as cancer, strokes, heart etc. Early symptoms of gout is felt cramps during the night, cold feet, tingling etc. Fortunately there are substances in the fruit of noni iridoid very beneficial for diseases of uric acid.

6) Relieve Pain Cough

Coughing may occur due to a virus or bacteria that exists around the us. Make the noni as a cough medicine is the appropriate step because there are antibacterial substances noni fruit that can eliminate the itching in the throat due to bacteria. How to use it as follows
  • Prepare 2 fruit noni and boiled
  • Combine with half a leaf object or dau bujanggut
  • Rebuslah with 2 cups of water to a boil
  • Reserving up to 1 cup
  • Take water only then drink 2 times a day
  • he effect the beginning itchiness in the throat will disappear, with the use of routine cough will fade angsur missing

7) as a remedy bronchitis

Antibacterial ingredient, fruit noni can prevent bacteria from entering the lung and kill the bacteria that is in the lung. Noni fruit regularly consume the bacteria would be lost and bronchitis would be healed.

8) Strengthen bones

Noni fruit has substance methyl, acetyl, morindone and kapril acid which can strengthen and make bones become solid. When the bone is solid and strong, bones will be spared from diseases including bone pengeroposan bone, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and many more.


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