6 benefits of Melon for health

Melon fruit is one that has many fans. This cannot be denied because it tastes sweet and refreshing.

Melon Cucumis Melo L or is included in a tribal pumpkin-labuan. The fruit is usually eaten as a fresh fruit on the table or ice to mix slices of fruit. If you are a fan you should know some of the benefits of this melon fruit for health as reported by from magforwomen.


Rich in Vitamin and Mineral Content
Melons are rich in vitamins A, B, C, K, folatemagnesium, fiber and potassium. Kandunga very complete nutrition is so good for your health, such as vitamin A is responsible for improving the health of the skin, Vitamin C can increase absorption of ironin the bloodstream and fiber can help prevent affected by constipation.

Able To Maintain Heart Health
Everyone craved to have a healthy heart. Well, it can be obtained by consuming melon. Because melons are rich in potassium can lower blood pressure and also dilute the concentration of sodium in the body. In addition the melon also have nutrients called lycopene which is able to prevent cell damage and may lower the risk of heart attack could potentially be.
Very good is consumed for a woman who is menstruating
Discomfort when the woman is menstruating may be reduced by consuming fruit melon. Typically menstruation coupled with pain and worse to occur the cramps. Well, with the melon will be able to reduce blood clotting and can keep the blood flow can remain controllable.

Prevent Dehydration
A high moisture content in melon makes you avoid dehydration and in addition canalso help you to feel quickly satiated.
Can Reduce Inflammation
The content of vitamin B6 on a melon can reduce inflammation. If You lack this vitamin can cause inflammation and will also be undergoing hormonal imbalances that can affect the metabolism of the body.

Able to improve the body's immune
Amino acids contained in melon fruit is able to boost Your immune system. These nutrients play important functions to keep the immunity of the body.


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