Tomato benefits for health and beauty

The tomato is known as fruit that is very beneficial for health, among the community of this fruit is very popular because it is often used as an herb or seasoning dishes in the kitchen. This red fruit contain a variety of nutrients, so the tomatoes are important for health.

Tomatoes have many different kinds of its kind, there is a tomato fruit the fruit is rather large, there is a tomato a vegetable whose size is smaller than the tomato fruit. While the 3rd is the small size of small tomatoes with cherries. All types of tomatoes contain vitamins A and C, phytonutrients, and various substances and minerals that your body needs including likopen is. Besides tomatoes also contain lots of fiber so it is very good for digestive health and this is exactly the content that makes tomatoes can be deciduous fruit body fat.


To get the benefits of tomatoes to health, you could consume the tomatoes directly, made as juice or included in any gravy dishes. For more details, here we explain the benefits of tomato fruit for a healthy body.

Tomato Benefits For The Health Of The Body
1. Strengthen bones
The content of vitamin K and potassium that are present in tomatoes makes this fruit is very beneficial to bone health and for bone development for children.

2. Nourish hair
Benefits of tomato fruit for beauty like healthy hair. The content of vitamin A in tomatoes makes this fruit is useful in maintaining the health of the hair, so you look beautiful and charming with beautiful hair. In addition, tomatoes are also known are good for eye health, teeth, skin, and bones.

3. Enhance your Skin
Tomatoes also contain many benefits for skin health and beauty. The content of Lycopene in tomatoes is very beneficial to the health of the skin, making the skin smooth and soft. His way is to peel plum tomatoes and paste it on the arena of your face, let sit for 10 minutes and then rinse with clean water.

4. Tomato strengthen the heart
Heart health is very important, mengigat heart is a vital organ in life. Blood pressure and high cholesterol are similarly become a burden to the heart. However this can be corrected with vitamin B and kalum existed in tomato fruit. It will also help you later to attack chronic diseases such as stroke, cardiac disorders more deadly.

5. Healthy eyes
As an important organ of the body will experience changes according to age a person. But by consuming the tomato containing a lot of vitamin A, then diseases like nyctalopia in slow down.

6. Tomato prevents prostate cancer
Lycopene found in tomatoes may reduce risk of prostate cancer in men, cancer of the stomach and colorectal cancer (colon). Substance Lycopene can stop cancer cell pertmbuhan. It turns out that cooked tomatoes can produce more Lycopene than raw tomatoes. To get maximum results, you should consume daily denganmembuat tomato soup.


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