The Benefits Of Drinking Mango Juice On A Regular Basis

The benefits of mango juice  Mango fruit is quite easily found in Indonesia. Manywho love this fruit because it has a sweet taste. Besides mango also has many benefits for health.

juice manggo

Mango fruit contains many vitamins and minerals that are good for health. Well, toenjoy the fruits of mango can be directly or to make it more deliciously again can be used as juice. The following are the benefits of drinking mango juice on a regular basis:
1. High Vitamin
Mango contains many vitamins, one glass of mango juice could meet the needs of vitamin C as 60-100%. The content of vitamin A in it can help to nourish the eyes.
Mango also contain a high folic acid help to meet your daily folic acid needs about 20%. Folic acid itself serves to improve the health of the cardiovascular system.

2. being able to stabilize blood sugar
If you often feel tired and fatigued in the afternoon, then chances are you have a low blood sugar. For that you need to consume mango juice regularly, because mango juice contain natural sugars so that it was able to maintain in order to keep blood sugar stable. In addition it also contains complex carbohydrates mangoes that can make you always energized throughout the day.

3. Prevent Cancer
Mango juice contains high antioxidants so it is good to prevent cancer. Mango can limit the inflammatory characteristics that are present in cancer cells. The content ofAntioxidants that it contains has the positive effect of preventing colon cancer, prostate cancer and childhood leukemia.
Mango is also capable of lowering levels of bad cholesterol that exist in the body so that it is able to protect you from heart disease and stroke.

4. Is able to boost the immune system
The combination of vitamin in mandos such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and Vitamin B complex is able to keep the immune system stays strong.


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