Benefits Of Strawberry Fruit

The fruit of this one other than it tastes good it turns out very good for health, alsofor beauty like smooth skin, tightens the skin and also prevents acne.
The main content of this strawberry fruit is Riboflavin, Vitamin C, manganeseMagnesium, potassium, Folicacid, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, and Omega-3. All the useful content for health or beauty.


Well, just the following benefits of strawberry fruit for health and beauty:

Strawberry Prevent Anemia
Anemia or iron deficiency can be overcome with strawberries, this is because the fruit contains high iron intake for making it suitable for red blood cells.

Strawberry to cope with Cancer
Strawberries contain ellagic acid, which can help overcome cancer.

Strawberry smooth skin.
Strawberry is believed to be smoothing and tightening the skin and also can prevent aging themselves. In addition salicylate content inside the Strawberry is very powerful to treat acne for the way users simply serve as a mask. Other recipes in order to get smooth skin and toned with strawberry is making strawberry body scrub made from strawberries, 3 3 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp of baking soda, 3 tbsp. sugar and a little water. All the ingredients in a blender until creamy.

Strawberry to whiten teeth
Strawberry is apparently able to whiten teeth the way rubbed on the tooth and Buddy will be able to get the teeth whiter.

Strawberry to prevent high blood pressure
The content of potassium and iron in the strawberry is very effectively suppress high blood pressure and was able to make it more balanced.

Strawberry to prevent heart disease
High fiber, folate, Vitamin C and anti-oxidants are also highly effective for reducingcholesterol levels in the body and can also prevent heart disease.

Strawberry To Prevent Leukemia
Strawberry fruit has therapeutic effects which turned out to be very good for preventing disease of leukemia. This is because the presence of the substances contained therein, namely amine clan, tanae acid.
Strawberry to prevent Diabetes

The content of Substances existing in the Anthocyanins of strawberry were able to prevent the possibility of problems arising from diabetes.
Strawberry fruit benefits for health or beauty above hopefully can help a friend whois facing a health problem in


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