6 Benefits Of Shrimp For Health

Benefits of Shrimp for health – Ladies, do you like to eat shrimp? And if there's good news for you. Because it turns out that eating shrimp is very beneficial for health.


Some people get scared when like to eat shrimp, because according to information circulating many shrimp can cause allergies. Emang sih, for those who have a history of allergy to shrimp is not recommended.
But for those of you who do not have a history of allergy to shrimp, you are highly recommended to eat shrimp.

There are 7 benefits of eating shrimp for health:

1. Lose Weight
For Ladies who are running the program on a diet to lose weight, one of the options could try eating shrimp.
The reason?
Because it contains a little shrimp calories and no carbohydrates. In addition the content of iodine in it can increase the body's energy expenditure while it is resting, so can help your diet.
The shrimp to prevent tired eyes
Whether the Ladies often have tired eyes? If Yes, one way to address it is by eating the shrimp. Ladies are encouraged to eat shrimp every 3 days.

2. Shrimp to resolve blood clots
To treat or cope with blood clotting Ladies can use a paste of fermented shrimp. Omega 3 fatty acid content in them can lower cholesterol for heart health.

3. Eat the shrimp to prevent osteoporosis
The minerals contained in shrimp such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus can prevent bone degeneration. In addition it can prevent osteoporosis in old age.

4. Prevent it from Cramping when menstruation.
Many sources say that eating shrimp can prevent from menstrual cramps. Besides eating the shrimp also can promote healthy blood flow to the female sex organs.

5. Eating the shrimp to prevent cervical cancer
Cervical cancer which is very dangerous and life threatening woman turns out to be prevented by consuming seafood such as shrimp. This food also contains selenium and carotenoids that are good for your body.

6. Eat the shrimp to prevent aging.
Lots of shrimp contains antioxidants to slow the aging process of the skin. For applying it you simply Cook the shrimp still in the fresh State and mengonsumsinya once a week.

The benefits for the health of the shrimp turned out quite a lot, so from now on not have too afraid to eat shrimp because it can help your health for the better.


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