
Showing posts from May, 2016

Benefits Of Honey For Health

Benefits of honey very much and polahidupsehat ever discuss it but only as for honey body slimming course. Well, this time I will be here the benefits of honey in General. Honey has been very familiar in our everyday lives because there have been many who feel its benefits. But sometimes only a few are known, so this time I want to give you some benefits or efficacy of honey. 1. The benefits of honey for energy sources Honey is known from the time it first as a remedy for stamina and restore energy. This is because honey contains sugar that can be quickly absorbed by the digestive system. So it's not surprising if honey can be used as a source of instant energy. 2. Benefits of honey to heal wounds At the time of Egyptian honey be used to heal wounds. They make honey as ointment to treat burns and a result of JAB sharp objects. 3. Benefits of honey for Antibiotics Honey can be beneficial as an antibiotic so it can turn off the bacteria. Honey produces hydrogen peroxide which can fun

Benefits of Black, Brown Rice and Wild Rice

Benefits of black, brown rice and Wild Rice – the staple food of the most widely consumed Indonesia is rice (white rice). And there is even an expression has not been packed if not eat rice. But there are still many other staple food choices more salubrious than with rice like potatoes, wheat, sweet potato, black Rice and many more. Based on the study conducted by researchers from Harvard's origin in 2012, people who consume rice more often have a risk of developing type 2 diabetes than are rare. Because it is a food that tends to cause diabetes, then the researchers suggested to seek a replacement from white rice one is with a more healthy Brown rice with more fiber and can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. There are actually several varieties of rice that has similar capabilities such as black, brown rice and wild rice, too. Well, if you're curious with the benefits of each of these rice Please note the benefits of brown rice, Brown and Wild Rice. Brown Rice/Rice Black/

Benefits Of Tuna Fish For Child Development

Tuna fish known as the intake of foods containing omega 3. Omega 3 has its own components that are essential for the body such as DHA, EPA and LNA. DHA and EPA are found in fish, while the LNA in plants. Well, in the form of DHA omega 3 found in Tuna fish can be beneficial to a child's brain development. The benefits of such a huge tuna should not be in the waste. So you better sure please note the benefits of tuna fish for child development below. 1. Making a comeback Based on a study published in the Journal Pediatrics in 2003 said that prospective mothers who consume omega 3 supplement intake during pregnancy and lactation turns out to have a baby with cognitive ability is higher when the child reaches the age of 4 years. Other than that based on other studies conducted in the year 2005 result known to school children who consume omega 3 shows increase in reading skills. 2. Improve the Focus Based on another study found that mothers who had higher DHA levels in the blood when gi

6 Benefits Of Shrimp For Health

Benefits of Shrimp for health – Ladies, do you like to eat shrimp? And if there's good news for you. Because it turns out that eating shrimp is very beneficial for health. Some people get scared when like to eat shrimp, because according to information circulating many shrimp can cause allergies. Emang sih, for those who have a history of allergy to shrimp is not recommended. But for those of you who do not have a history of allergy to shrimp, you are highly recommended to eat shrimp. There are 7 benefits of eating shrimp for health: 1. Lose Weight For Ladies who are running the program on a diet to lose weight, one of the options could try eating shrimp. The reason? Because it contains a little shrimp calories and no carbohydrates. In addition the content of iodine in it can increase the body's energy expenditure while it is resting, so can help your diet. The shrimp to prevent tired eyes Whether the Ladies often have tired eyes? If Yes, one way to address it is by eating the

Benefits For Healthcare Kelor Leaves

Why do people who are fond of the world depends on your regular hydroponics provides this plant to the list plant them? The answer is "plant has so many benefits that are useful both for maintaining the health of or treatment. The leaves are dark green and have a relatively smaller shape when compared to other leaves contain a variety of substances that you can use for health in the body. Although not so familiar because it does not grow in many site, but it actually can be easily cultivated. It because the usual plant grows in tropical regions. As well as the benefits of spinach, the leaf is useful for many cells in the body. ANTIOXIDANTS CONTAINED Antioxidant contained therein turns out to be able to clean the various impurities in your body. Impurities caused by dust and air pollution in urban areas can cause the symptoms of the disorder on your health that cannot be underestimated. With the functions contained within the kelor leaves you can minimize and prevent various things

9 Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes is a disorder because insulin system over levels of glucose in the blood. There are two types of diabetes, namely, diabetes type 1 and type 2. Although both are still dealing with excess blood sugar, there is a fundamental difference that ought to be known, from causes, symptoms, and prevention. Type 2 diabetes more suffered by adults with a prefix of age 35 and over. As time went on people with diabetes mellitus type 2 is not always to parents, but the young age of 25 even 20 annual upward had many who suffer from diabetes. Common causes of type 2 diabetes is eating patterns that are less precise and irregular accompanied lack of sports activities. 1. Numbness In many cases of diabetes that afflicts some people experience symptoms, almost entirely in the form of numbness. As for the parts of the body that often feel numbness or tingling (numbing) was the hands, feet, and fingers. Early warning of diabetes it occurs due to an increase in blood sugar levels, creating damage to

The Benefits Of Noni Fruit For Health

The benefits of noni fruit that is one of the original fruit from southeast asia. The shape of the fruit that is spotted and somewhat tapering it save benefits for our bodies. But some people don't like the fruity aroma of this one. Noni fruit usually can be made as Rujak and juice. For those who don't like fruit that many benefits this is a good idea to research more deeply about this one fruit. Experts examine whether a fruit that can be used as a cure for cancer as well as prostate cancer. Really excellent fruit on this one although it smells unpleasant but it is useful for us. But worldwide, there are more than 80 types of noni and that can be in the consumption of only 20 types only. The rest contains toxins that when consumed the body will be bad. The benefits of Noni Fruit for health among others : 1) Curing jaundice Early symptoms of jaundice is the limp, wrinkled, yellowing, and decrease in body weight. Researchers reveal that noni fruit could cure jaundice. Step strid

7 benefits of Fruit Tin and leaves for the health of the body

The fruit is still much hunted even though the price is quite expensive. The reasonable phenomenon occurs because the buyers already know what are the benefits of the fruit tin. If you don't know yet, up to now the following will be discussed in detail about the benefits of fruit tin for health. 1. Good for sufferers of hypertension In the table of nutrition is clearly visible the presence of omega-3 and 6, then minerals such as potassium, phenol, and magnesium contained in the figs (the pronunciation in Western countries). Nutrients and minerals that can help lower blood pressure hypertension sufferers when consumed with reasonable portions. In addition, the figs are also effective in keeping the heart from disease. 2. Lower the blood cholesterol levels Bad cholesterol (LDL) that accumulate in the blood can trigger a blockage in the blood circulation in the tissues of the heart. When issued, the risk of developing coronary heart disease will be reduced. LDL levels must be balanced

Cranberry Fruit For Health Benefits

During this you already know the taste of this fruit and processing into food is delicious, but did you ever find out the benefits of cranberry for health? The following will be described in detail about the benefits of cranberry fruit that is often used as a skin care ingredient or maintain body health, including the effects of treatment based on the results of research or discussion in the world of medicine. 1. Treat wounds exposed to the arrows According to the ancestors of the ancient Indian tribes, cranberry fruit is an ancestral heritage which deliberately presented to help treat injuries due to the embedded arrow. The truth is not yet known for sure because now it's virtually no disagreement that use traditional weapons. 2. Made a cake and sauce ingredients A few years ago, 1680, a resident of New Jersey bernama Mahlon Stacy, cranberry fruit provide a picture on his brother based in United Kingdom. He wrote a sentence on the image that describes in brief about the cranberr

Benefits Of A Durian Fruit For Health

Durian fruit contains many essential substances such as vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, thiamin, riblofavin, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, omega 3 and omega 6, polypenol, phytonurent, organosulfur, tryptophan, phytosterol and antioxidants. In addition to the content of durian fruit, meats are also rich in glucose, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats and proteins. With such content, it is natural if it is said that the durian fruit is actually bringing benefits to the human body, as long as the number and simply applied in the body are not excessive. assorted Durian Fruit Benefits Ancient people believed that durian fruit brings blessing. So, in some places in the country, there are groups of people who hold a special ritual to welcome the durian season. Even up to now, there are certain places that have a ' typical ' tradition of consuming the fruit durian. Despite the fact that tradition, and various research results indicate that the durian fruit does have myriad benef

Rambutan Fruit For Health Benefits

For those of you who are running a diet program, preferably involving fruit on this one. Rambutan fruit rich in protein and carbohydrates with calories is not too high. With the calorie levels, rambutan fruit can be a solution to replace the heavy meals during the diet. 1. Fruit keeping kidney health One obstetrician in the fruit rambutan that can nourish the kidney is fairly high water levels. In 1 kg of rambutan, there is a minimum of 1.5-2 cups of water (after being absorbed by the body). In addition, rambutan fruit is a fruit that has the function of detoxification. Detoxifying fruit rambutan kidney organ menyasar, will be due to the water content of metabolism in the body it is definitely going to culminate in a vital organ. The process of detoxifying fruit rambutan is also aided by the contents of fosfornya are quite high. 2. Rambutan fruit can maintain health content The pregnant women need not worry consumes fruit rambutan. Rambutan fruit remains safe for the body for consumed

17 Fruit Bengkoang Benefits for health

Of some of the conclusions that have auto summary, there are 17 benefits you can get by way of consuming or preparing this fruit into a potion for a section outside the body or in the body. 17 benefits bengkoang for health include: 1. Fruit bengkoang turns out to be able to resolve the problem in the premature aging yourself with effective and significant. 2. Fruit bengkoang are able to overcome your skin problems such as eczema, fungus, panu, and others. 3. Fruit bengkoang helps you to overcome disease liver. 4. Fruit bengkoang if consumed regularly, help improve your eyesight originally minus become normal. 5. Fruit bengkoang already known as the fruit of beauty treatments, because it was able to increase the pigment in your skin is becoming more white, clean, fresh, andhealthy. 6. Fruit bengkoang helps to remove wrinkles on Your face or part whole body section. 7. Fruit bengkoang are capable of neutralizing the cholesterol level in the blood, sofor those of you who are experiencing

Papaya Fruit benefits for women's health

Papaya is Carica papaya l. in the Latin language. Papaya fruit in Indonesia is very easy to come by, because the plants are easy to grow. So many farmers who plant the papaya fruit as delicious and health at home, other than his own, the rest consumed fruit papaya dijua at competitive prices, so it is easily obtainable in the market like traditional markets. Papaya fruit is not only tasteful consumed, but also contains many kahsiat and benefits for health, teurtama for women's health. Even Christopher Columbus called it by the name of the angel of fruit or fruit of the angels, because it tastes good and sweet and contains a lot of benefits for the health of the body. The fruit of the papaya fruit also known as the power fruit of women, a great Fruit for the womenfolk, since nutrient needed by women. Then what are the benefits of papaya fruit for women's health, following his review. Some of the benefits of papaya for women's health 1. The enzyme papain The content of the en

Benefits for the health Body Cermai Fruit

Fruit cermai in latin called Phyllanthus acidus was fruit shape is small with a sour taste. The tree usually grows cermai in various places, such as dipekarangan or keubn home-garden, sometimes up to 5 meters in height, the trees are lush and often serve as a shelter. Cermai usually created as a candied, or in its sour taste so peram gone and eaten as a snack or as a snack. In addition to snacks and cemialn, nice Cermai also made as health foods that have a myriad of benefits create health. Efficacy and benefits of the fruit Cermai for health 1. The benefits of fruit cermai for asthma These bahanya are: 6 seed fruit cereme, Two grains of red onion Root handheld, 1/4 As many as 8 lengkeng fruit grains How to make Herb The material is pounded until fine and boiled with 2 glasses of water to remaining 1 ½ cups Let stand to cool, Then filtered Drinking water with sugar to taste A day twice, drinks with sugar water, 3/4 cups each 2. Benefits Cermai for cancer In addition to traditional asth

6 Benefits of the Apple Fuji for health

Benefits of apples for health will not be depleted-depleted were discussed. One is the Apple fuji. Apples originated in Japan and since the 1930 's apples have been developed in Japan, fuji apples but now it has been very well known in some countries including the United States. One of the many cultivating apples fuji is China, CHina including fuji Apple earnings of the country with the largest in the world. Fuji apples have a pink color, it was a very tasty and sweet makes this Apple attraction very popular many people. Same with other apples in General, fuji apples also keep many benefits for the health of the body. Fuji Apples health benefits 1. Brighten dull face Fuji apples are not only utilized the flesh of the fruit, but also utilized the skin of the fruit. The skin of the Apple is very much known to contain anti oxidants that would fix the skin and mecerahkan the skin. One of them is brighten dull skin. Caranyua by peeling apples fuji, then grab a skin in and blend until sm

Tomato benefits for health and beauty

The tomato is known as fruit that is very beneficial for health, among the community of this fruit is very popular because it is often used as an herb or seasoning dishes in the kitchen. This red fruit contain a variety of nutrients, so the tomatoes are important for health. Tomatoes have many different kinds of its kind, there is a tomato fruit the fruit is rather large, there is a tomato a vegetable whose size is smaller than the tomato fruit. While the 3rd is the small size of small tomatoes with cherries. All types of tomatoes contain vitamins A and C, phytonutrients, and various substances and minerals that your body needs including likopen is. Besides tomatoes also contain lots of fiber so it is very good for digestive health and this is exactly the content that makes tomatoes can be deciduous fruit body fat. To get the benefits of tomatoes to health, you could consume the tomatoes directly, made as juice or included in any gravy dishes. For more details, here we explain the bene

5 Corn for Health Benefits

Corn is a healthy meal is consumed, even part of people in Indonesia there are made of maize as a staple food that replaces the role of the rice. In addition to corn used for food as well as flour, made as a pop corn, while corn is boiled as a delicacy Chair snak. In addition there are also corn corn corn i.e. do not have a hard seed, corn for health benefits also cannot be denied. Regardless of the merits of corn to health, this food is good eaten much less of it is sweet corn. Well, in addition to the benefits of corn for food busting hungry, corn is also good for health. What are the benefits of corn for health? Following his review. Benefits of Corn for the health of the body 1. Corn as a source of calories Corn is one of the foods that are loaded with calories, calories in 100 grams of corn is 342. The number of calories in a corn corn makes it an important role as a food in the fulfillment of human needs, bai was Chair of food rice or human needs be flour used in making cakes. 2.

Benefits of star fruit Wuluh for body health

Star fruit is fruit wulu kitchen that is often utilized for Coconut Curry gravy ingredients. Star fruit can also be beneficial to the complement of the shrimp sambal tenan tastes good. Star fruit trees that had muscular wulu muscles not straight and sleek, tall trees reaching 8 metres. The small leaves are confronted with another leaf in a leaf stalk like katuk leaves. The fruit is green and measures 4-6 cm. The fruit tasted acidic, so for patients with ulcers or stomach were forbidden for consumption. However, for those who do not experience this problem, there are some benefits and star fruit wuluh fruit of benefits that can not be considered trivial and one eye. What are the benefits of star fruit wuluh for health, following his review. Benefits of star fruit Wuluh for health 1. Treat the mumps Goiter is a common disease suffered due to the lack of iodine in the body. For patients with this disease can try the cure from star fruit wuluh. The way is with mashing half handheld leaf st

Coconut Fruit green benefits for health

Coconut   has   many benefits   for the health of   the body and   the health of   the fetus   that are present in   the content .   Benefits   in General   could indeed be   diperdapat   for   any   coconut .   But   green   or green   coconut   has   more   usefulness   compared to   other   Palm .   The price   of green   coconuts   also greater   compared to the   regular   coconut . Green   Coconut   for health   benefits Before   we discuss   the benefits of   green   or green   coconut ,   first   we clear   right   what is a  green   coconut   and how   characteristics .   Many   people   think   that   coconut   coconut Green is   green   Peel.   Whereas   the definition of   a   green   coconut   and drank   a lot of   it is not   sheer   green color   but   the coconut   palm   has the   skin color   section in   the   tampuknya   red or   purplish .   Could be   the color of  the  skin deep   green   or Brown , or   dark green . Coconut   with discrete   and signs   this  i