Benefits Of Honey For Health
Benefits of honey very much and polahidupsehat ever discuss it but only as for honey body slimming course. Well, this time I will be here the benefits of honey in General. Honey has been very familiar in our everyday lives because there have been many who feel its benefits. But sometimes only a few are known, so this time I want to give you some benefits or efficacy of honey. 1. The benefits of honey for energy sources Honey is known from the time it first as a remedy for stamina and restore energy. This is because honey contains sugar that can be quickly absorbed by the digestive system. So it's not surprising if honey can be used as a source of instant energy. 2. Benefits of honey to heal wounds At the time of Egyptian honey be used to heal wounds. They make honey as ointment to treat burns and a result of JAB sharp objects. 3. Benefits of honey for Antibiotics Honey can be beneficial as an antibiotic so it can turn off the bacteria. Honey produces hydrogen peroxide which can fun