The Benefits Handeuleum Leaves For The Health Body

The plant contains the chemical content of handeuleum among others: non-toxic Alkaloids, flavonoids, glucoside, steroids, saponins, tannins, oxalic acid, it is calcium format and fat. With a variety of chemical content of violet leaf has anti-inflammatory properties as deciduous, urine, accelerating ripening ulcers, mild laxative, skin softener walk, soften the stool (feces) and shrink the hemorrhoids.

Handeuleum Leaves

The Disease Can Be Cured And The Way Users:

Constipation: boil 7 strands of leaves with 2 glasses of water wungu until the water is staying half. Drinking at the same time in the morning.

Ambient: 15 strands of leaf handeuleum, seibu spokes turmeric, little Palm sugar boiled with 4 cups of water until the water is staying half. Strain. Drink twice a day, each glass 1.

Ulcers: a few strands of leaf wungu washed then ground smooth. Apply on ulcers Or
Apply the 2 sheets of a violet leaf with coconut oil to taste, then roasted over a fire and paste on boils when it is still warm.

Fever due to Dirty Underbelly: 7 strands of violet leaf, 5 slices of temulawak boiled with a glass of water. Strain. Drink once a day.

Gallstones: 7 strands of violet leaf, some strands of leaf veins are boiled with 2 cups of water until the water is staying half. This herb to drink 2 x a day.

The launch of menstruation: a handful of flowers leaves dried wungu, boiled with 4 cups of water until the remaining 1 cups of water decoction of a filter, then drink 3 x a day. Note: we recommend that you drink 3 days before menstruation.

Swelling due to Hit: bark handeuleum pounded finely and put in the swelling.

Arthritis/Rheumatism: a handful of leaves wungu washed then ground. Apply on the part that hurts.
Launch a Waste Water art: ingredients: 1-2 handheld violet leaf and fennel pulsars.

Well, that was it for the health benefits of the leaf handeuleum which is able to treat a variety of ailments such as stated above, you need to know and hopefully useful to always live healthy naturally.


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