Benefits Of Cherry Leaves For Health The Body

The benefits of cherry leaves are traditionally believed to have been able to overcome various health problems or cure disease. The cherry Muntingia calabura latin name L is a tree that has fruit that is small and colored bright red if cooked. 

The leaves are eaten and it turns out that store a lot of benefits for the health of our body especially for treating a variety of diseases that our health is very disturbing.We often take and cherry eat, but only the fruit alone justifies? behind the leaves turned out to be stored very outstanding properties for use in natural medicine.

Cherry Leaves

Here Are The Benefits Of Cherry Leaves:

Benefits of cherry leaves

In addition to the fruit, the leaves are also not less great. The leaves are eaten and are believed to help cope with a variety of ailments as follows.

Protect the function of the heart muscle

Through a study stating that cherry leaves may protect the heart muscle function, i.e. by way of drinking the decoction of leaves on a regular basis.

The benefits of cherry leaves for diabetes

Cherry leaves or leaves is believed to be nutritious talok to lower sugar levels for diabetics. It is because the leaves contain chemical compounds, saponins, and flavonoids that serve as antioxidants that may secrete hormone insulin works to metabolize sugar. You can make potions with how to take 100 grams of cherry leaves, wash to clean, and then boiled with a liter of water and allow the remaining water to half of it.Drink twice a day, each one glass.


You can make potions in a way, take the cherry leaves, wash clean, then dry to dry.Once dry, you can use it every day as a substitute of tea beverage by means of boiling of water with hot water, then stir until the water turned reddish as tea. Drink twice a day each one glass.


To prevent or treat cholesterol, you could make the herb by way of boiling a handful of fresh cherry leaves with 3 glasses of water, let it boil remaining water and leave to one glass. And then drinking regularly three times a day.


By drinking the decoction of leaves it will be effective for reducing inflammation or as a bitter taste and can also lower the heat of the fever.


Cherry leaves are also useful as an antiseptic because it contains compounds, saponins, tannins, and flavonoids that can kill microbes bacteria, among others, k. Rhizobial, c. Diphtheria, p. Vulgaris, s. Aureus, and s. Epidemics.


The content of flavonoid compounds in leaves is eaten and shown to inhibit the growth of tumor cells so that this herb can be used as the anti-tumor.

Such details about the benefits of cherry leave a useful body for health treat a variety of diseases that can harm our health ago always spared from the disease. Congratulations to try it at home and may be useful for us all.


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