Benefits Gambier Fruit For The Health

Gambier is best known as one of the names of the railway stations. But many also Community who haven't learned that Gambier is a dried resin derived from an extract of pure leaves and twigs of the plant of the same name (Uncaria gambier Roxb.) that has a variety of benefits for health. Gambier is a hot water extract from the leaves and twigs of the plant the gambier sedimentation and then printed and dried. Almost 95% of the production are made into this product, called Bethel bite or plan masala. The shape of the mold is usually cylindrical, resembles the brown sugar. Blackish brown color. Gambier (gambier was known as Interstate Commerce) are usually shipped in the package 50 kg. The other is a powder form or "biscuits".


Gambier-fruits is not the fruit of the plant, but rather the result of extraction from the leaves and twigs of the plant SAP Uncaria Gambier Rob who has been through a few times the extraction process until the results are shaped like fruit that is often referred to as the fruit of Gambier. Gambier-fruits are shaped to resemble the color pastries, there are white, Brown, even black. Gambier-fruits have a very distinctive scent so it can be recognized easily. Gambier-fruits have the benefits and usefulness, in the country of Germany fruit mixtures used as gambier drug because in it contained nutrients and nutrition are very beneficial for the health of the human body.

Gambier-fruits contain antioxidants, catechins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and Tanner. Gambier-fruits often used by mothers and grandmothers for mixed betel leaves useful to strengthen the teeth so it's not easy porous or fractured. Gambier-fruits have many benefits in particular for body health, among other things: treat a headache especially migraine or headache that annoying buffering and torturing, treat diarrhea, act overcomes disease dysentery, relieves sore throat disease, cure diseases that plague health heat and gums, treat burns both mild to severe, as well as addressing the canker sores and chapped lips.

Gambier-fruits taste bitter and very distinctive i.e. either a chelate, but behind it all is contained many benefits that can provide a better quality of health care for the body. No need to doubt the effectiveness and benefits will be the fruit of gambier because in the field of Pharmacy gambier fruit often used as a material for the manufacture of the drug mixture because of the content of natural antiseptic that can help accelerate the process of treatment.

That's the benefit of gambier health body for fruit that is very important and you need to know as a traditional natural drug. Hopefully, useful information creates all.


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