Benefits Of Vine Leaves For Health And Skin Face

The wine is cultivated plantations and crops to be utilized as a fruit. This plant can grow well in lowland areas especially the beach. In general, the community only utilizes the fruit of this plant, because the selling price of grapes is quite expensive. In addition to having high prices, the grapes also have a variety of natural chemical content is good for the health of the body. Therefore do not be surprised if the market demand will be the fruit of these plants are always high. Although the price of purchasing is also high.

In addition to the fruit, other parts of this plant can also be utilized such as leaves, stems, and roots. Vine leaves can be used as the raw material medicine for various diseases like varicose veins, hemorrhoids, mouth ulcers, lowers blood pressure and lowers cholesterol levels and much more. Additionally, vine leaves can also be used as food ingredients like B until vine leaves. In addition, the leaves of this plant can also be used as a basic ingredient of Tea Leaf wine, of course with a variety of health benefits for the body. Vine leaves have a variety of beneficial nutrients such as Carbohydrates content, calcium, iron, Vitamin a. Vitamin c. B-carotene,-carotene, and others.

Vine Leaves

The Following Is A Variety Of Grape Leaves Benefits:

Cure mouth ulcers and sore throats, provide vine leaves to taste and washed to clean. The leaves are boiled with water to a boil. After the water is cold, use a decoction for Gargle. Do this treatment regularly until the canker sores and sore throat was cured.

As a Set of urine, how by boil 15 gr fresh vine leaves for 15 minutes. After the water filter the water cold decoction and drink twice a day morning and afternoon just as much. Do this treatment regularly, until fully recovered.

As B until vine leaves, provide materials such as 1/2 kg of tuna into small slices, 1 grated coconut, two grain stalks Lemongrass, thinly slice 5 pieces of lime leaves finely sliced 1 tomato, finely sliced, salt to taste, sugar to taste young wine and leaves. Blend spices like onion, garlic, turmeric, and ginger. Season the tuna with marinade, shredded coconut, Lemongrass, Orange, tomatosalt to taste, sugar to taste, and let sit for 1/2 hour in the refrigerator. Wash clean leave wine so as not to sour, after it was used to wrap fish. Next, the fish steamed until cooked. As kuah buntilSaute spices like onion, garlic, nutmeg, turmeric, coriander and saute until fragrant and add one liter of boiled water. Simmer the gravy to a boil while added salt and sugar to taste. The last input of already mature buntil into gravy let stand until a few moments and buntil teapot.

Vine leaves as a cure for a diarrhea headache, scabies, syphilis and urine of deciduous
Take a few strands of vine leaves continue to brewed with hot water more or less for 15-20 minute wait till winter. After the cold water steeping the leaf filter the wine and then drink the water twice a day, morning and afternoon.

Vine leaves to cure gingivitis, mouth ulcers, and sore throats
Rebuslah few strands of vine leave and wait until the stew is boiling already vine leaves. After that, refrigerate, then use the water to gargle regularly until fully recovered.

Vine leaves to make the face look radiant
Prepare mashed tool and vine leaves are yet too young or old as much as approximately 2 handhelds, then mashed leaves the wine until the wine leaves becomes smooth. After the vine leaves are already really smooth stew along with 2 cups of water with the fire that is not too great in containers that do not contain aluminum and wait till a bit and lift and let it boil until the water temperature drops to warm and not too hot. Wear the water and the wine leaves the dregs to apply to face up to the neck.Do it regularly for two weeks.

Thank you for visiting my blog about the benefits of wine leaves for health body that you need to know as a nutritious natural traditional medicine treating various diseases like listed above to live a healthy life has traditionally experienced.


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