Benefits Of Cactus Fruit For Healthy Body

Cactus is a plant that has thorns on the tree body parts. Cactus plants are usually grown in the desert and have benefits that are diverse, from decorative plants, as souvenirs, as medicinal plants and can be used for food.

The main function of the flesh of the fruit of cacti or prickly pear cactus can lower blood sugar if consumed as many as 150 grams per day because cacti decoction on the flesh of the fruit of the Cactus has components similar to insulin. The ripe fruit of thisCactus can lower blood sugar levels in our bodies.

Cactus Fruit

We might never know that different types of Cactus are often utilized as a source of food, one of which is Opuntia. Opuntia can be used as the Foundation of the basic ingredients of flour to bread making. However, this flour is no longer used as basic materials makers because the public preferred the bread flour from corn.

The roots are woody part or vascular vessels containing lignin of cacti can be utilized as ingredients up and fuel. In addition, the Cactus is also now switched functions as souvenirs in the marriage, usually used is the Cactus a cactus mine have 6-8 cm.

Since the 19th century is often made as a cactus plant Cactus because drugs contain alkaloids, active ingredients in the form of b-phenylethylamine and tetra coqui-noline. To date the plant has compound and cactus can be used as a drug is anhalonine, hordenine, mescaline, N-acetyl mescaline, MOP-lontine, tyramine.

Hordenine and tyramine compounds have anti-cancer benefits as the microbes that can prevent the sharing of this type of diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, infectious influenza, ear pain, eye pain, rheumatism, snakebite animals containing poisonous.

In addition, there is also the fruit of cacti that are loved, that Dragon fruit. This nutritious fruit to help improve the durability of the body. Dragon fruit is utilized also for balancing blood sugar, the protector of preventive oral health, cancer of the bowel, reducing cholesterol, preventing bleeding, and can treat vaginal discharge. Red Dragon fruit can also relieve stress emotions, preventing dengue fever, increased appetite and can keep the skin to become smooth and prevent the incidence of acne.

Different types of Cactus have long exploited humans as a source of food, one of which is the Opuntia. The species is much in cultivation to fruit and stem youth.
The fruit of the Opuntia many processed into jams. Meanwhile, the young stems ofOpuntia known as nopales skinned and fried, steamedor processed into sour vinegar-pickled in sweet.
Right now, the Opuntia is also still used as animal feed, cosmeticsand pharmaceuticals. Originally, there are also species of cacti Carnegiea gigantic, which functions as the basic ingredients of flour for bread making.

Cactus Rose
However, this flour is no longer utilized because the public preferred the flour from corn. While the roots are woody or lignin-containing vascular vessels from cactus, also used as a building material and fuel.
Cactus is now commonly used for souvenirs in marriage.
Usually, that is often made for souvenirs is a mini Cactus plants, with a height of about 6-8 cm. The length of each shoot 3-4 cm. Cactus is known for a unique, beautiful, look fresh, perfect to put on the table, the guest, and the room, indoor or outdoor and also souvenirs.
Cactus although more popular as an ornamental plant, but Cactus also has a benefit as a medicinal plant, even its potential as a medicinal plant. This needs to be excavated further about its benefits as a natural remedy.

Since the 19th century, the Cactus plant scientists have been studied as it has the active ingredient content of alkaloids, ß-phenylethylamine, and tetraisoqui-noline. To date, more than 60 compounds in Cactus plants which have already been isolated among others are anhalonine, hordenine, mescaline, N-acetyl mescaline, MOP-lontine, tyramine. Hordenine and tyramine compound has efficacy as anti microbial properties which can prevent many kinds of diseases such as arthritis, influence-
za, infections, diabetes, ear paineye pain, rheumatismvenomous animal bites and so on.
Some other type of Cactus is known as a medicinal plant is a kind of prickly pear cactus from which consists of several species of Opuntia dilleniid, Opuntia like engelmannia, Opuntia ficus-indicia, Opuntia plays Chatham and Opuntia Santa-Rita.

Types of cacti known today are the fruit of the Dragon (dragon fruit) which is included in the genus cereus Selena-and Hylocereus. Tananam has benefits of lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels as well as to prevent colon cancer, kidney function and bone Strengthener, protective, preventive oral health symptoms are bleeding and vaginal discharge, power amplifier working brain and increases the sharpness of the eye.

According to the organization that specifically examines the Red Dragon fruit, this fruit is quite rich in vitamins and minerals that help increase endurance and body metabolism. Other experts also mention that Dragon fruit rich in forum, potassium, protein, fiber, sodium, and calcium. But certainly, the fruits high in fiber as cancer-causing carcinogens binding and streamline the process of digestion.
From a reliable source, the fruits are utilized also to balance the sugar levels in the blood, the protector of oral health, preventing colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treat complaints of vaginal discharge. Additionally, the Red Dragon fruit again, giving the effect of reducing the pressure of emotions, neutralizing toxic in the blood, preventing the fevers of the body, increase appetite, increase skin smoothness, slippage and prevent acne.
Overall, each of the Red Dragon fruit contains a protein that is capable of increasing the body's metabolism and maintaining heart health; fiber (to prevent colon cancer,diabetes, and diet); carotenes (eye health, strengthens the brain and prevent the entry of disease), calcium (strengthens the bone).

This is the fruit of cacti benefits for the health of the body is effective in treating a variety of ailments that plague our health for that we can eat the fruit and don't know we already prevent the disease. Congratulations try at home and hopefully useful information create all.


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