Benefits Of Turi Leaves For The Health Of The Body

The scientific name is Sesbania grandiflora. Bark turi contain tannins, egatin, zantoagetin, bassorin, resin, calcium oxalate, sulfur, peroxide, a substance the color. Saponins, tannins, glycosides, peroxide, vitamin A, and vitamin B are present on the leaves.Meanwhile, the flowers are rich in calcium, iron, galu, vitamin A, and vitamin b. Bungaanggota family Papilionaceae it is useful as a skin softener, laxativeand air.

Turi Leaves

The benefits of reducing heat loss bark (antipyretic), laxativepengelat (astringent), vomiting stimulant, tonic. While the leaves are utilitarian and to dilute the blood clots, relieving pain, mild laxative, and deciduous peeing (diuretic). The leaves, bark, roots, and flowers to address a whole range of diseases such as below.

The Disease Can be Cured Aand Usage:

Childbirth fever after childbirth
Clean wash 1/3 handheld leaf fresh turi, and then mashed smooth. boiling of e ingredients ¾ Cup hot water and add a little salt. Let cool, then strain the herb. Drink herb at a time.

Dysentery and bloody diarrhea
Clean leather trunk turi flower red of the thumb. Boil the bark in 2 cups of water to1 cup remaining. Let cool, then strain the herb. Drink potion at once and doing a day 2 times with the same dose.

Vaginal discharge
Wash clean a handful of leaves and turmeric white turi of the thumb, and then milled smooth. boiling of water results with chopped ¾ Cup hot water, then wring it out. Strain the herb and then drink 2 times a day with the same dose.

Swollen fingernail due to hit or 
Wash clean leaves to taste, and then mashed smooth. Add a little water into the result of the collision, then stir into the batter. dab nail above the herb of the sick and the surrounding skin, and then swathe it with a cloth. Do the treatment a day 3 times in the same way so that the blood that freezes below the nail disappeared.

Slimy nose and headache
Wash clean a handful of leaves and flowers, and then mashed fresh is much smoother. boiling of water materials with ½ Cup of hot water and add a little salt. Wring water steeping, then strain it. Drink herb at a time. Do the treatment twice a day with a dose of the same.

Strep throat
Wash clean leaves a handful of turi. Simmer the leaves in 3 cups of water to boil. Once cool, strain the herb. Use water to the gargle-gargle herb. Do the treatment four times a day.

That's what I explained about the benefits to the health of the turi leaves is useful for treating various types of diseases that harm our body and we should always keep our body health because health care is expensive.


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