Benefits Of Potatoes For The Health Of The Body

Potatoes are rich in essential minerals, which is beneficial to assist our bodies in building strong bones and keep the function of nerves and muscles. Large-sized potatoes boiled Peel will give us the 1.1 gram of potassium, or a quarter of the needs of our daily life. Potassium is useful to help keep balance electrolytes in the body and is also important for the function of the muscles, heart and nerve function. Manganese is useful to support metabolism, and also helps the body produce collagen – the protein essential for wound healing. Copper from the potato will help our body in producing lysyl oxidase, an enzyme that is needed for healthy connective tissue and supporting several aspects of brain function. Potatoes also at once would give our body magnesium and phosphorus as much as one-fifth of that we need every day. If the potatoes are peeled before being boiled, you will lose some of this mineral content.

Large-sized potatoes weighing 300 grams of boiled with their skins, contains 261 calories, grams of protein and 5.6 0.3 grams of fat. But if you peel its skin before it boiled, then you will lose about half a gram of protein. But the calories and fat content remain the same. Peeled or not, the potato still provides 5.4 g of 2.6-gram fiber and natural sugars.


We will provide the boiled potatoes vitamin C and vitamin B 5 (Pantothenic acid), as well as other types of vitamin B thiamin and niacin. Vitamin C is beneficial as a useful antioxidant to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Besides boiled potatoes also helps our body to produce norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in neuronal communication, and keep hormone levels. Vitamin B 5 is required by the body in order to allow it to break down nutrients into energy and supports liver function. One cup of boiled potatoes provides 0.8 milligrams of vitamin B 5 or about 16 percent of the body's daily needs. As for vitamin C, boiled potatoes offer about 27 percent for women, and 23 percent for men of total daily needs.

Benefits Of Potatoes And Usage:
1. Rich in fiber
Potato is one of the foods rich in fiber so it is often recommended for people who have a body of skinny and want to gain weight without making you fat.And vice versa, the potatoes can also be used as a measure of calories will you waste when you are planning a diet program.

2. The fight against disease
Because many contain fiber, potatoes are very friendly with the digestive system so as to prevent the problem occurring in the digestive system. Potatoes are also helpful in reducing the risk of cancer and research also get if potatoes can fight cancer as well.

3. Good for diabetics
Diabetics will need very blood sugar levels. The potato is a great food that can raise blood sugar levels and from research already done there were no side effects against diabetics.

4. For skin care
Potatoes contain lots of vitamin C which are very good for the body especially the facial skin. Rub the potato juice or used as a mask on the face and make your face glow. If the potato slices affixed Kamata for approximately 30 minutes can be nutritious eliminates swellings and dark circles under the eyes.

5. Good for the brain
Potatoes can support your health in performing daily activities. The potato is a source of iron and zinc are also good for the brain.

6. Reduce inflammation
If you are experiencing inflammation of both inflammation of the inside or outside, bring potatoes to eat. Potatoes have a subtle texture and soft so that it is easy to digest and can reduce inflammation in the colon and digestive system. Potatoes can also reduce inflammation of the outer part with the way rubbed it. Potatoes are also good for sufferers of ulcers in the mouth.

7. Overcoming the bruises
Potato juice can help treat bruising, Burnssprains and sores until healed faster. Potato helps overcome skin problems and can also fight against prostate cancer and womb and against the formation of crystals or a tumor.

8. Help cope with kidney stones
Causes of kidney stones are the increased levels of uric acid in the blood. Doctors usually advise to reproduce is food consumption levels of iron and calcium is high. Potatoes are included in it.

9. Coping with stress
Potatoes are rich in vitamin B6, a substance required for cell renewal in relieving stress the mind and body. Potatoes help hormone adrenaline responds to stress and make the mind becomes quiet again.

So the details about the benefits of potatoes for the health of the body that you need to know as a proven natural medicine to treat a variety of diseases as written above to always be vigilant and keep your body's health always because health is the main staple of life.


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