Benefits Of The Cambodia Plant For The Health

The interest of Cambodia, may interest one is identical to his horror and mystical world, ... This Cambodian plants on the one hand his physical looks beautiful but because it is often planted and grew up around the cemetery makes these plants with identical things occult and mystical. But when we search the further content of the Cambodian flowers turned out quite a lot of benefits for the body. The majority of the population in Indonesia is indeed not many plant functions that make use of Cambodia, besides being used to decorate the Garden Tomb.

The Cambodia Plant

But in some areas, such as in Bali, Cambodia in addition used as ornamental plants, plants of Cambodia is also used for various religious ceremonies, calming the soul, and more. Probably not many know that the interest of Cambodia also can be eaten just like other flowers like papaya and flowers turi. The benefits of consuming interest of Cambodia is among others to relieve fever, cough, stop waging a discharge of urine, stop the diarrhoea, and more. And here is an example of the utilization of planthealth for Cambodia.

The Disease Can Be Cured And Usage :

Antibiotics and Treating Toothache
The SAP of Cambodia contains alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and triterpenoid whichis very beneficial for antibiotics, of course with the proper dosage. Cambodia also called plant very powerful to treat toothache perforated. Here's how: with a few drops of SAP took Cambodia using cotton, then put the cotton on the tooth that hurts. The overdose enough 1-2 times per day. However, it should be noted that treatment with the SAP of their nature are only temporary and can not be enabled to complete the tooth pain.

Cambodia's Flower Tea
So too with interest of Cambodia who are consumed with the way menyeduhnya with tea strongly helps to give the effect of cool to your digestive tract. Why should you drink the tea flower of Cambodia is routinely to feel pleased.

Treating Ulcers
How to use to treat ulcers was by way of heating the leaves Cambodia over heat until wilted, then brush with olive oil. Then, the leaf is affixed on the boils in a State still hot.

Treating Swollen Feet
The roots and stems of Cambodia could also be utilized to treat swollen feet and heels are cracked. The trick with boiled roots and leaves to a boil then add the mineral salts. Then use the water decoction of leaves, roots, and the salt to soak a swollen leg twice a day.

Gonorrhoea and Ulcers
There is a belief that by drinking the decoction of the roots of Cambodia, sufferers of sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) gonorrhea or gonorrhoea can be assisted to overcome it. Apply SAP Cambodia on ulcers that have already washed with warm water.

As a food and drink
Don't be surprised if the interest of Cambodia also can be eaten, and made tea. For the purpose of consumption, it is highly recommended to choose the organic, thatCambodia is planted and cared for without the use of chemicals. His preparation is easy, grab some flowers, clean then wash using cold water. Pat dry with paper dryer.Next flowers that can be directly mixed with vegetable lettuce for salads. Petals fresh, Cambodia can also be sprinkled on top of rice or red to add fragrance and beauty dish. It can also be fried with flour for snacks, like typical tempura Japan.

Here's an explanation of benefits for the health of Cambodian plants that are able to treat a variety of ailments as above by way of traditional natural medicine you need to know to live healthy and avoid illness.


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