Benefits Of Fennel Leaves For The Health Of The Body

Pharmacological effects that are owned, among them fennel adds to the durability of the body, flu medicine, anti-cholinesterase, overcoming premature ejaculation, stimulates erks, anesthetic, sweat inducing, hepar of the amplifier, as well as a central nervous stimulant, preventing infertility, reinforcing the vitality of sperm.

Fennel Leaves

Fennel also plays a role in inhibiting the enzyme spending, slow down aging and fennel can also serve as the raw material for the manufacture of steroid hormone or drug KB.

The Disease Can Be Cured And Usage:


Wash 5 g dried fennel fruit, boiling of water with 1 glass of water, then chill. Drinking while one glass a day.

Preventive and Cure Impotence

Mix fennel 10 g, 25 g pulosari, 10 g garlic, pepper 25 g, 25 g of turmeric into one. Smooth mashed the ingredients and add hot water to taste so as to form a solution. Add a tablespoon of pure egg yolk granules 2 pieces chicken, and stir until blended. Drink a solution of 2-3 hours after the dinner and do one day once a month.

Deterrent Against Tumors and cancer

Clean the fennel fruit 5 g, 100 roots of reeds and 1-2 stems of Loranthus tea. Boil all ingredients with 2 cups of water to remaining one glass and then chill. Rebusannya water filter and then drinks 2 times a day each 1/2 glasses.

Canker sores

Wash clean 15 g fruit anise 15 g Cinnamon Bark that has been ground smooth. Boil all ingredients with 4 cups of water. Input into 10 g turmeric that has sliced thin slices. After the remaining 2 cups of water, let cool, and then drink 2 times a day each 1 cup routine do for 7 days.

That leaves health benefits of fennel to the body that you need to know as a natural medicine that is very much all the benefits make health to avoid diseases such as above. Keep always your health and happy to try it at home eh.Benefits The Benefits Of Fennel Leaves For The Health Of The Body

Pharmacological effects that are owned, among them fennel adds to the durability of the body, flu medicine, anti-cholinesterase, overcoming premature ejaculation, stimulates erksi, anesthetic, sweat inducing, hepar of an amplifier, as well as the central nervous stimulant, preventing infertility, reinforcing the vitality of sperm.
Fennel also plays a role in inhibiting the enzyme spending, slow down aging and fennel can also serve as the raw material for the manufacture of steroid hormone or drug.

That leaves health benefits of fennel to the body that you need to know as a natural medicine that is very much all the benefits make health to avoid diseases such as above. Keep always your health and happy to try it at home!


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