10 Benefits Of Tomatoes To Body Health

Tomato is no stranger to mention how it looks with the typical red color illuminates.Tomatoes can be eaten directly or added to the cuisine, so that adds to the appetite.

The tomato is one of the types of fruits that naturally contain a variety of nutrients to the body. It seems that the acid is often used to add delicacy in many types of cuisine.

Tomatoes are known to contain powerful antioxidant type i.e. high amounts of lycopene. Lycopene is the substance which gives the red color in tomatoes.

Tomatoes also contain the compound alpha lipoic acid, which helps to control the glucose in the blood, increasing the vasodilatory, maintaining healthy brain and nerve tissue.


10 Benefits Of Tomatoes To Body Health

1. Helping bones stay strong

Vitamin K and calcium contained in tomatoes is very useful to reinforce and improve bone mass, so it is useful to prevent osteoporosis. Source of vitamin K contained in tomatoes is able to prevent bone porous.

According to the Saveourbones.com page, the content of lycopene in tomatoes protects and stimulates osteoblasts, the bone-forming cells.

According to the researchers, the absorption of lycopene the most optimal for the body when the tomatoes are cooked with olive oil.

Fielding JM et al., when the 2005 event in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated an increase in plasma lycopene concentration after ingestion of cooked tomatoes with olive oil.

When tomatoes are cooked, the lycopene in tomatoes raw converted to trans-likopen, which is more easily absorbed.

2. Launch and nourish the digestive system

Tomatoes are rich in fiber which is badly needed by your body, particularly the digestive organs. The fiber is very useful in order to keep the digestive system healthy and uneventful.

Consume tomatoes regularly is able to launch the digestion. Tomatoes can prevent the occurrence of constipation or difficult chapters (bowel movements).

With only the consumption of tomatoes each day, then it is expected that digestive problems will be resolved.

3. Maintaining healthy skin

Tomatoes became the source of likopen is beneficial to prevent damage to the skin tissue caused by the ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

The content in these tomatoes makes the skin to keep it healthy and beautiful. In addition, it is also useful to protect the skin from damage caused by sun exposure.

4. a pretty effective Cancer Preventive

Plum tomatoes are said to be also natural cancer contrarian. Likopen contained in tomatoes is useful to reduce the risk of some cancers, such as cancer of the mouth, prostatecervix, pharynx, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, colonand ovary cancer.

Then Tomatoes contain vitamins A and C, which help to fight free radicals that cause cell damage. the antioxidant Content high enough in tomato fruit, helping to reduce the risk of cancer.

Tomato consumption diligently every day, it is very important to avoid lethal cancer. For it doesn't forget to consume tomatoes because its benefits are important.

5. Prevent diabetes naturally

Tomatoes contain chromium which is useful for balancing sugar levels in the blood.Tomatoes are a good source to help regulate blood sugar in the body.

According to Diethealthclub.com, control blood sugar levels become important points of good diabetes management. For diabetics, healthy glucose levels can be achieved by applying a diet food. In addition, there are also other things to note, namely avoiding stress and routine exercise.

Low carbohydrate content, making the tomato is able to control blood sugar levels, maintain the right caloric intake for diabetics, as well as lose weight.

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and help restore the body's balance of oxidative.Antioxidants serve to lower the risk of complications associated with diabetes.

Its high content of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, flavones, and phytonutrients in tomatoes, protects the body by reducing the concentration of lipids, in order to prevent damage of oxygen to process fat in the bloodstream or cell membranes.

Antioxidants protect the body by improving the function of the enzyme. The results of the study showed that the antioxidant properties in tomatoes are useful to protect the kidneys and blood flow, two body parts are often affected by diabetes.

6. Increase the power of vision

Tomatoes contain vitamin A is beneficial for maintaining eye health, make the vision become sharper, and prevent the occurrence of nyctalopia. Based on a research, found that consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of macular degeneration.

According to the Healthyeating.sfgate.com page, a number of factors including genetics and lifestyle, affect the health of the eyes. consuming healthy food helps maintain the health of organs, add tomatoes to increase the intake of nutrients that are beneficial to the health of the eyes.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A to keep the retina-rich thin nerve tissue located at the back of the eye where the intake of vitamin A has an important role in the cycle of light, the retinal organ instrumental in detecting light and sending visual information to the brain.

A deficiency of vitamin An intake affects your eyes, which can cause some disorders of the eye, to the worst cause blindness.

Lutein and zeaxanthin content in tomato, two nutrients work to filter light, eliminating blue light rays that damage tissue in the eye, preventing eye disease, reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and prevents damage to the retina.

The content of lycopene in tomatoes protects body tissues from free radical damage, where free radical damage risk incidence of eye diseases.

A study published in the "Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science" in 2011, the result of his studies found that people with higher levels of lycopene have a lower risk of experiencing age-related macular degeneration.

Copper content helped the production of melanin, a black pigment found in the eye. Vitamin C works to counteract cataracts due to age factor.

7. Healthy hair

The content of vitamin A in tomatoes is useful in order to keep hair strong and beautiful, healthy hair and strengthens the hair from the ends up to the roots.

Some people say that tomatoes are the same as with Aloe Vera, which gives protection to the hair because the tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, B, C, and E, which its function is maintained hair health.

Many people believe that the use of tomatoes on the hair is able to resolve the problem of hair loss. But to make the tomato concoction on the hair needs to be checked first to a doctor to find out the condition of the hair types is suitable if given natural treatments using tomatoes.

In addition, tomatoes are also able to clean up the grime on the hair, which is able to remove dirt that clings to the hair. How to make tomato juice, then apply it on the hair evenly.

Then rub the hair slowly a few times, then let sit for 20 minutes, after that rinse using clean water. Last done shampooing use shampoo to clean hair.

Aside from cleans dirt, also eliminates odors of the skin to the hair and scalp, strengthens hair, prevents the onset of dandruff.

8. Help relieve inflammation
Diseases that involve inflammation can be minimized by consuming the tomato fruit. With consumption, which is helpful to relieve pain is experienced. This is because a tomato contains quite a lot of Bioflavonoids and carotenoid in it.

Do not underestimate the problem because it can cause inflammation of the occurrence of a wide range of dangerous diseases such as cancer, heartetc.

In addition, as acne also arises from inflammation that occurs in the body. In the consumption of tomatoes, it does not matter if the preferred raw tomatoes, lycopene, howeveroften found more on a tomato that has been cooked.

So, prioritizing their consumption of tomatoes that had been cooking every day.

9. Prevent Cancer & kidney stones

Tomatoes are also useful to prevent the occurrence of kidney stones and gallstones, based on research conducted by experts found that the disease of kidney stones and gallstones rarely occur in people who eat tomatoes Avid but without seeds.

The latest studies mention likopen substance in tomatoes also helps to preserve the health of the kidneys. The study found that eating tomatoes regularly able to prevent kidney cancer.

Even at some of the other study, found the results that tomatoes are rich in antioxidant content is capable of lowering the risk of a number of other cancers.

In a study, in which researchers conduct analysis on 92,000 menopausal women who have done since the mid-1990s until 2013. Where the participants are also prompted to fill in a questionnaire regarding diet, primarily related to intake of micronutrients, likopen etc.

On the length of the study period, a total of 383 respondents was diagnosed with kidney cancer. After that, researchers began to study between kidney cancer with diet in the form of the consumption amount of vitamins, including likopen, vitamin C, E, and carotene.

The results of the study found that only the content of likopen which gives benefits in decreasing the risk of kidney cancer. Those consuming high amounts of likopen(sufficient for the body) has decreased 45 percent the risk of kidney cancer compared with those whose consumption of fewer likopen intake.

The doctor Won Jin Ho from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, explained that the high content of likopen is present on the consumption of tomatoes are done every day.

But the doctor Won Jin Ho explained also that the womb likopen is not only derived from tomato fruit only.

10. Lose weight

To do a diet program, then it is recommended to place the tomatoes into your daily food menu.

Tomatoes contain a lot of water and also useful fibers, giving a sense of satiety that sticks with the old one.

So, tomato consumption seems to be a good and intelligent choice in an effort to lose weight.

May be useful.


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