The Benefits Of Drink Tea For Health

There are many health reasons to enjoy a cup of hot tea. Most can smell fragrant tea and fatigue if you run out of drunk at the time enjoying a break after a long day of work. Drinking tea is a great way to relax while getting its benefits to health. It is known as green tea is very good for health support, including common types of tea that we know today.


The Benefits Of Drink Tea For Health:

1. tea contains antioxidants. Tea antioxidants protect the body from the damaging effects of aging and the harmful effects of air pollution.

2. low-caffeine tea. Usually coffee contains double or triple levels of caffeine from tea. Cup of coffee contains about 135 mg of caffeine, while the tea contains only 30 to 40 mg per Cup. If coffee makes you uneasy, or gastrointestinal tract causing disturbances, headaches or interfere with sleep – you can switch to tea when I relax.

3. tea can reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke. Blood clots are formed from cholesterol in the blood and platelets, due to heart attacks and stroke. Drinking tea may help keep arteries remain smooth and free of obstacles. 5.6 years of study in the Netherlands found people who drink tea at least two to three cups of tea a day in danger vital minimum 70 per cent had had a heart attack of tea drinkers.

4. tea good for oral health. The same tea actually contains fluoride and tannins that can keep the painting in the mouth. So drinking tea without any sugar to your daily routine will get you clean your teeth and gums healthy.

5. immune boost tea to tea may help boost your immune system fight infections. Researchers at 21 volunteers drink five cups of tea or coffee a day for four weeks, has seen an increase in the activity of the immune system that is higher in the blood drinker of tea.

6. tea protect against cancer. Polyphenols, antioxidants in tea, useful again to fight cancer. And there's plenty of research showing a possible protective effect of tea drinking, which shows that the reason why we have to drink tea.

7. tea helps to keep the body hydrated. Caffeinated beverages, including tea, used to meet father lost fluids daily. Because caffeine a diuretic and will make us more Paul. Thoughts on caffeinated beverages may not contribute to the needs of the fluids in the body as a whole. However, recent research has shown that caffeine in tea or other caffeinated beverages like coffee contributed to the needs of our body fluids. The only thing that caffeine makes becomes a problem when you drink more than five or six cups of caffeinated drinks all at once.

8. calories and tea. Tea contains no calories, but if you add milk or sweeteners. If you are looking for a calorie free drink, tea is the final option. This is usually sought after by people who are on a diet and losing weight.


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